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gifted learners

Essay should be edited/originality report

Develop appropriate activities and learning experiences for gifted learners.
Based on the readings chapter 4/5 please give a personal reflection on the questions below. This is not a book report. Please answer the two questions by reflection and critical thinking skills based on chapters 4 and 5. Please have a well-constructed response and answer all the questions.
These are the required books for the response:
Reading: Renzulli et al., The Multiple Menu Model: Introduction and Chapters 4 and 5 – MAIN BOOK
Extra readings:
Tomlinson, C., Kaplan, S., Renzulli, J., Purcell, J. H., Leppien, J., H,, Burns, D. E., Strickland, C. A., & Imbeau, M. B. (2009). The parallel curriculum: A design to develop learner potential and challenge advanced learners (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin.
Erickson, H. L. (2007). Concept-based curriculum and instruction for the thinking classroom. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin.
The unit is based on:
1.5 The student will investigate and understand that animals, including people, have life needs and specific physical characteristics and can be classified according to certain characteristics. Key concepts include
a) life needs (air, food, water, and a suitable place to live);
b) physical characteristics (body coverings, body shape, appendages, and methods of movement); and
c) other characteristics (wild/tame, water homes/land homes).
Have this unit response based on animals connected to the readings, SOLs 1.5, and questions assignments.
OverviewWe return this week in our reading to the Multiple Menu Model to consider instructional techniques and how to put everything together from this book to inform curriculum design. These chapters will support the work to be completed on the final project especially creating learning objectives and selecting the teaching strategies for your lessons for the Teaching Strategies section of your unit design template.Before we look at Chapters 4 and 5, this statement from the paragraph in the Introduction to the text about one of the inherent assumptions of the Multiple Menu Model serves as a reminder of the instructional emphasis in this model:“. . .we believe authentic learning consists of investigative activities and the development of creative products in which students assume roles as firsthand explorers, writers, artists and other types of practicing professionals.” (page 2) While engaged in the investigative activities that constitute what Renzulli et al. believe constitute “authentic learning”, students are acquiring the content defined in the Knowledge Menu that includes the structure of the discipline, its basic principles, its methodology and knowledge specific to the discipline. (page 73)Chapter 4–The Instructional Techniques MenuThe process of choosing instructional techniques by which students acquire content knowledge is as important as the selection of content itself. The Instructional Techniques Menus consist of:Instructional Objectives and Students Activities Menu
Instructional Strategies Menu
Instructional Sequences Menu
Artistic Modification Menu
Basically, the first three menus determine the activities and strategies and in what sequence students will work to meet learning objectives. The Artistic Modification Menu is a tool to assist teachers in making creative modifications to existing curriculum materials based on their own experience and interpretation. The choices made from these four menus contribute to the Instructional Products Menu. The Instructional Products menu provides choices for students to demonstrate they have met the Instructional Objectives. The lists in Figures 4.9 and 4.10 on pp. 68-69 show choices for both concrete products and abstract products.Chapter 5–Curriculum by Design: Putting It All TogetherTo make the most effective use of the Multiple Menu Model, it is essential that teachers understand the concepts represented by the menus. Teachers must also be able to synthesize the menus as they write the curriculum. Appendices A and B of the text consist of helpful templates and planning guides. Chapter 5 includes eight suggestions for teachers as they write a curriculum using the Multiple Menu Model.


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