organisational culture and management
With reference to Lopez (2014) article, address the following:
• Discuss how the author argues that the ‘culture change’ idea is used in a political sense when little of significance changes for the residents. He brings in
the idea of ‘impression management’ regarding cultural change.
Lopez, S. H. (2014). Culture change and shit work: Empowering and overpowering the frail elderly in long-term care. Americal Behavioral Scientist, 58(3), 435-452. We
continue on with our reading about managing the cultural aspects of an organisation by turning to a sociological approach to culture change. Note that the issue of
power is also highlighted in the article we are about to read (Lopez, 2014). Here is the abstract from that article:
Drawing on a year of fieldwork in Heartland Community, a “culture-change” non-profit nursing home, this article investigates dynamics of worker-client power
relationships across departments. The analysis raises questions about power and inequality that invert the usual way of thinking about it: Rather than trying to
explain why some workers or customers are treated better or worse than others, this article explores why the same people were treated very differently at different
times of the day by staff in different departments of the same organization. The divergence in power relations across departments, I contend, flowed from the nursing
home’s attempts to manage cross-cutting pressures to humanize care relationships without increasing costs. I suggest that that Heartland’s “solution” to these tensions
preserves the routinely inhumane treatment of nursing home residents in the day-to-day activities of the nursing department while presenting a much different face to
visitors, family members, policy makers, and the public. The article concludes by suggesting that these ethnographic findings may point not only to a widespread
strategy in the nursing home industry but also more generally to the organizational impression management functions served by efforts to “humanize” worker-client
relationships. Now read the article, considering the following points:
• Discuss how the author argues that the ‘culture change’ idea is used in a political sense when little of significance changes for the residents. He brings in
the idea of ‘impression management’ regarding cultural change. Lopez, S. H. (2014). Culture change and shit work: Empowering and overpowering the frail elderly in
long-term care. Americal Behavioral Scientist, 58(3), 435-452.
This is an easy article to read and yet it makes some powerful points about nursing home care and cultural change. As I mentioned above, the important aspect of these
readings is not the context, such as the nursing home in this instance, but the issue that is being explored, that is, managing the cultural aspects of an
organisation. However, if you are interested in similar work to Lopez’s (2014), I can recommend one of the references used:
Diamond, T. (1992). Making gray gold. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press