feature story
A key quality of the Feature Story assignment is the skillful profiling of a person (such as an instructor in your major), place (a historical place, for example), or
thing (like a concert or play). The Feature Story requires both firsthand (attending an event, meeting someone) and secondhand (library research) evidence. What
distinguishes a feature from a memoir, however, is that it is newsworthy and does not just focus on personal experience.You should become a reporter for this
assignment by, for example, going to an event or meeting someone in person. This assignment should not be completed entirely by sitting in front of your computer; that
is an essay, not a feature.Even if you are not able to use the same subject for all of your projects in this course, the Feature Story assignment will include certain
aspects of your previous assignments, as noted below:Editorialsecondhand evidence, such as library research, documented MLA style
effective argumentation (ethos, pathos, logos, and analogy/definition strategies)
thesis/focus of writing
Interviewfirsthand evidence, such as meeting with people and visiting places
reporter’s questions: who, what, where, when, why, and how
narrative elements, such as character, plot, setting, tone, connotation, and so forth
However, unlike the Editorial and Interview Transcript assignments, you’ll have the option of injecting your own opinion into the writing of the Feature Story.The
essential aspect of the Feature Story assignment is that the writer features or profiles a person (such as an instructor in your major), place (a historical place, for
example), or thing (like a concert event or play). The Feature Story requires both “firsthand” (attending an event, meeting someone) and “secondhand” (library
research) evidence. What distinguishes a feature story from a memoir, however, is that it is “newsworthy” and does not just focus on personal experience.You should
become a reporter for this assignment (i.e., go to an event or meet a person). This assignment should not be completed entirely by sitting in front of your computer;
that is an essay, not a feature story.Even if you are not able to use the same subject for all of your projects in this course, the Feature Story assignment will
include certain aspects of your previous assignments, as noted below:Editorial
“Secondhand” evidence of library research, documented MLA style
Effective argumentation (ethos, pathos, logos, and analogy/definition strategies)
Thesis/focus of writing
“Firsthand” evidence of meeting with people, visiting places, etc.
Reporter’s questions: who, what, where, when, why, and how
Narrative elements, such as character, plot, setting, tone, connotations, etc.
However, unlike the Editorial and Interview assignments, you’ll have the option of injecting your own opinion into the writing of the Feature Story.The first draft of
your Feature Story should be approximately five (5) pages in length; the final draft may be as long as seven to eight (7-8) pages. The final draft of your Feature
Story must also have a title. Students who are able to attach photographs and/or audio/video clips to accompany their Feature Story will receive extra credit for that
effort. Your research should be documented MLA-style.PURPOSE
This project requires all of the reporting skills we’ve discussed this semester, including time management, informed questions, careful research of evidence, and
intelligent argumentation.