You should consider each member of the team as equal owners/operators of the enterprise and aim to address the following issues:
1. Justification of the of the social value of the opportunity being developed
2. An assessment of the environment and an examination of the suitability of your organisation to exploit the opportunity
3. An analysis of limiting and enabling factors in relation to the exploitation of the opportunity
4. A consideration of the major functional elements of the business including Production, Marketing and Financial Strategy/Plan
Learning Outcomes:
LO2: Distinguish between types and forms of enterprise activity
LO3: Develop an effective business plan for self-selected business
LO4: Demonstrate effective research strategies
Assignment brief:
In groups comprising of 5 members you are required to develop business plan for an innovative product (good or service), one that seeks to solve a social problem using a business model.
You should consider each member of the team as equal owners/operators of the enterprise and aim to address the following issues:
1. Justification of the of the social value of the opportunity being developed
2. An assessment of the environment and an examination of the suitability of your organisation to exploit the opportunity
3. An analysis of limiting and enabling factors in relation to the exploitation of the opportunity
4. A consideration of the major functional elements of the business including Production, Marketing and Financial Strategy/Plan
Submission Arrangements
An electronic copy of the essay must be submitted to turn-it-in through Moodle.
The electronic copy will be marked (Grademarked) online via Turn-it-in so the final version you upload must be the complete and final version.
Your assignment will be checked for plagiarism. Remember that this is an individual assignment, do not copy anyone else’s work and ensure that your work is clearly referenced to avoid suspicion of plagiarism.
Any marks offered in advance of examination board confirmation are provisional.
Late work will be penalised as outlined in the student handbook.
Mitigating Circumstances
If submission of your work is delayed because of mitigating circumstances, enter these in the appropriate envelope available from the Student Centre. Details are within the Student Handbook.
General Assessment Criteria
Please refer to the HE5 Assessment criteria in the module guide.
Specific Assessment Criteria
First class: The report will be of a high standard and will reflect a comprehensive understanding of key concepts and the application of extensive reading/research. It will address the specific issues outlined in the assignment brief around justification, assessment, analysis and consideration of the key factors that underlie a robust business plan. The report will demonstrate competent planning/structure, clear diction, enthusiastic arguments and an effective use of supplementary theoretical and practice based evidence to support arguments. It will contain minimal errors in spelling and grammar and will be accessible to readers from a range of cultural, social and professional backgrounds.
Second class: The report will cover the salient points on justification, assessment, analysis and consideration from the assignment brief and will reflect a good understanding of the literature around these key concepts. It will be clear, informative and attempt to develop a coherent argument about the opportunity being developed. It will be well written and presented in a structured and readable style.
Third class: A reasonable attempt will be made to prepare and deliver the report but it will be under-developed and will not consistently reflect the deep level of understanding required for this level.