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Information about the requirements of thesis writing

Information about the requirements of thesis writing
My topic : The role of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs ( NSAIDs ) in Dentistry
Please, read carefully and adhere in 100 % to the requirements!

1. The thesis should contain about 40 pages with figures, tables, abbreviations and reference list.
2. The size of the letters should be 12 points, line spacing should be set to 1.5
3. Around 30-35 references should be cited in the reference list.
4. Upper and lower margin 2.5 cm and left and right margin of 3 cm must be

Only original articles, reviews and published books are acceptable as reference. Please use for your search the US National Library of Medicine (www.pubmed.gov). Do
not cite the articles of Wikipedia, but for orientation it is recommended. Internet homepage referencing is acceptable in a limited quantity (maximum 5% of the total
number of references). For internet referencing the date and time of visit in that page should be indicated. Advise: Search for relevant papers for your topic and if
you have enough information try to construct a detailed table of contents what about would you like to speak in your thesis. If it is ready send it to me by e-mail. I
will correct it and send back with my opinion.
5. The general structure of the thesis should follow the below described chapters:
Table of contents
Abbreviations (if necessary)
Topic specific chapters (this is that part which you have to work on in very detail)
Reference list

6. All of the figures and tables should be numbered and should have figure legend, where a detailed but short description of the figure or table should be given.
The source of the figures and tables should be indicated with the method of in-text citation.
7. The whole text should be justified! (Justification is the typographic alignment setting of text or images within a column or “measure” to align along both the
left and right margin.)
8. The method of in-text citation
In the body of your text it is necessary to refer to the relevant paper from where you got the idea or information. Quotation in a thesis (between quotation marks) is
recommended (compulsory) by number of the number from the References, e.g. (23)
The formal requirements of citation corresponds with the rules found in the Hungarian Dental Journal (FOGORVOSI SZEMLE). 1 issue from this journal will be attached.
Reference list should be in alphabetical order with numbering. Please follow the next example:

PORSZASZ R., LEGVARI G, PATAKI T: Hepatic insulin sensitizing substance: a novel ‘sensocrine’ mechanism to increase insulin sensitivity in anaesthetized rats. Br J
Pharmacol 2003; 139:1171-1179.


Reference list
A reference list consists of only the sources cited in a paper. Note, however, that the term ‘bibliography’ is sometimes used for what would more accurately be called
a reference list. (A bibliography consists of sources cited in text, sources consulted in preparing a paper, as well as other sources thought to be of use or interest
to the reader.) So, in thesis the reference list is the proper one.
(1) The family name of the author comes before initials (or the family name of the first-listed author, if there is more than one). However, in footnotes/endnotes, the
initials of all authors come before their family names.
(2) Entries are arranged alphabetically according to the family names of first author. No numbers are used, unlike footnotes/endnotes.
Book citation
Author, A, B Author & C Author, Title of book, edition number other than the first, Publisher, City, year.
RANG HP, DALE MM, RITTER JM, FLOWER RJ,HENDERSON G (eds): Rang and Dale’s Pharmacology, 7th edition, Elsevier Churchill Livingstone, London, 2012.
Chapter or article in an edited book
see an example:
attached FOGORVOSI SZEMLE page 51 in Irodalom No. 10 (FAGGIANO et al.) !!!
Internet article
Author, A,(if any) Title of article , Name of site sponsor, year, retrieved day month year, ‹URL›.
World Health Organization, Malaria in infants, WHO, 2013, retrieved 5 February 2013, http://www.who.int/malaria/high_risk_groups/infan


http://www.who.int/malaria/high_risk_groups/infan (retrieved Feb 5, 2013)

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