How have the laws passed in recent years affected immigration policy throughout the Bush and Obama administration
Term paper/project assignment:
To research and produce a project that will explore an aspect of the history and/or present situation with regard to incarceration, detentions, and deportations. Form
of project:
Projects may be written papers.
However, you may also produce other forms of well thought out projects. Other forms of project must have a written component (for example, a script)
These might include making a video, creating a web page or other form of production.
Requirement for project.:
-Length of paper: The quality is what counts for the grade, not the length
Papers should be 8-12 pages.
-Format: Papers must be typed and follow this format.
Font size 12; regular margins, and 1.5 line spacing.
-Spelling and grammar: Words need to be spelled correctly; sentences need to be complete; and grammar needs to be accurate.
-bibliography and footnotes. Papers must have a bibliography which lists the sources you consulted and used. Footnotes or endnotes must be used for any quote, or when
substantial information is gathered from one or several sources. Refer to Kate Turabian, Student’s guide for writing college papers.
Other projects must also contain references to sources, people who contributed to the project.
-Papers that don’t meet these standards will be returned to you to be corrected. Your grade will be an incomplete until you return the paper with errors corrected.
Note: if you have any questions, or reasons for not complying with these requirements you need to contact me when you give me your paper topic. Sources and their uses:
You need to use the sources required for you to write a good paper.
You will be graded on the QUALITY of your paper
However, if you feel comfortable with numbers, you need to use: at least 5 *significant* articles, books or films. “Significant” means substantial, well researched and
thought out. They need to be approved by me.
Again, you will be graded on the Quality of your paper.
*Primary* sources are important, and using original documents or newspaper articles from the period.
*Films may be used as one source, but not the primary source unless accompanied by a convincing rationale
*Interviews: Interviews with people you know or may know about a subject can be very useful. However, you need to do your reading first and have specific questions you
want to ask. Interviews are one source: they need to be in conversation with other sources. We can discuss more about interviews and oral histories. I have used them
often in my own work. I am pasting one article I wrote on using oral histories under PAPER AND PAPER ASSIGNMENT under ASSIGNMENTS.-Profe Weber’s notes on writing (and
-use the “active voice”. This means to tell the reader or viewer WHO or WHAT is doing an action. This helps you to explain how human beings have affected the history
and what has happened. This is critical knowledge to know, as it is also the key to changing conditions in the present or identifying how events occurred in the past.
This will help you identify how people often overlooked in history actually DID make a difference through their actions. Beware of sentences and papers that don’t tell
you who did the action and who is responsible.
To test this, think of how parts of US history are told. “The west was settled” “The lands opened up” “Indians disappeared” “The Revolution happened”
-be “specific.” This is my most frequent comment on papers. Again, being specific about what happened and how makes your argument stronger and clearer.
-Present your argument or thesis. If you are arguing against another viewpoint or perspective, present the other position, and then say why you are going to disagree
with it. Present your argument and then support it with specific information, quotes, data, arguments.