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Cultural studies (Kellner)

Dr. Nolte-Odhiambo – ENG 200 – Fall 2013 – Online – Assignment: Reflection Letter #2
Task: Write a two-page, double-spaced essay in which you reflect on the reading for this week, Douglas Kellner’s “For a Cultural Studies That Is Critical, Multicultural, and Multiperspectival,” which is the third chapter in Part 1 of his book Cultural Studies, Identity and Politics Between the Modern and the Postmodern. Please note that you do not need to read the final section of the chapter but only pages 93 through 117. (Kellner’s book has been uploaded in the “Readings” folder under “Resources” on Laulima and can also be accessed in its entirety here: http://naima.staff.ub.ac.id/files/2013/02/media-and-culture.pdf.) In your essay, you should include at least one paragraph comparing Kellner’s approach to Cultural Studies to Chris Barker’s, so think back to last week’s reading and note the similarities and differences in what the two scholars emphasize about Cultural Studies. You should also address and reflect on at least one of the following questions:
1.) What does Kellner mean by a “critical cultural studies,” and how does a critical Cultural Studies perspective analyze texts and other cultural artifacts?
2.) What does Kellner mean by a “multiperspectival cultural studies,” and what are the different perspectives he believes Cultural Studies should bring together?
3.) Kellner points out that, “Media culture also articulates social experiences, figures, events, and practices, as well as discourses. Fashion styles, contemporary looks and artifacts, and other signs of the contemporary, all suture or weave the audiences into the cinematic texts” (105). How does media culture articulate social experiences, etc., according to Kellner?
Before you start writing, you should carefully read Kellner’s chapter and look up any words or concepts you are unfamiliar with. As with last week’s reading, you may want to read some sections twice, since the writing can sometimes be quite dense and difficult. Don’t feel overwhelmed if there are parts of the chapter you don’t understand, but rather use Wikipedia, Google, or other online sources to help you through. Kellner refers to several films to illustrate his points; don’t worry if you are unfamiliar with most or all of these movies as Kellner merely uses them as examples. Once you have a good grasp of Kellner’s chapter, make sure to review Barker’s essay, so that you can compare his approach to Cultural Studies to Kellner’s.
PS: As you are wading through the reading, you can also utilize the “Discussion and Private Messages” feature on Laulima, where you can post questions that your classmates and I can then comment on and respond to.
After you’ve finished writing, be sure to revise and proofread your work carefully, and check that your essay adheres to MLA formatting rules. If you need to review MLA formatting guidelines, you can refer to Purdue OWL (http://owl.english.purdue.edu)


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