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Theoretical Foundations of Nursing Practice

Department of Advanced Nursing Studies

Theoretical Foundations of Nursing Practice

                      Reflective practice assignment



The purpose of this assignment is to help the student develop techniques for reflective practice as driven by NONPF’s advanced nursing practice leadership competencies and within the context of values-based practice and evidence-based care guided by nursing theory.


Course Outcomes

This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes.

  1. Evaluate the role of the graduate prepared nurse in terms of their role as change agents in utilization of nursing theory in nursing practice and research. [Core Concept: Role Competence, Communication]
  2. Discuss the development of nursing science as fundamental to guide advanced practice in nursing. [Core Concept: Critical Thinking, Communication, Caring]
  3. Discuss the role of advanced practitioners in the study of the disciplinary knowledge of nursing. [Core Concept: Critical Thinking, Communication, Caring, Professionalism]




This assignment is worth a total of 100 points.

Preparing the Reflective Practice Assignment

  1. The paper should be no more than five typewritten double-spaced pages (excluding title and reference pages).
  2. The paper will be graded on quality of information, use of citations, use of Standard English grammar, sentence structure, and overall organization based on the required components as summarized in the directions, grading criteria, and rubric. Follow the directions and grading criteria closely. Any questions about this paper should be directed to the course faculty.
  3. APA format is required with both a title page and reference page. Use the required components of the review as Level 1 headers (upper and lower case, centered).
  4. When your assignment is complete, save and close the document. Enter the Bb course and submit the document as an attachment.


Reflective Practice Assignment Requirements

  • Consider Kathleen Chirema’s explanation of reflective practice:


“Reflection is often prompted by a problem, a perceived discrepancy between the real and the ideal, or between what occurred and what was expected. One steps back to examine one’s actions as a way of trying to understand the discrepancy. One’s task is to reflect on the effectiveness or legitimacy of one’s chosen action and to use this new perspective as a means of developing alternate strategies. The entire exercise is an exercise in critical thinking.”


  • Using the following Reflective Cycle based upon Gibbs’ Reflective framework, discuss a situation that you experienced while in your professional leadership role.


  • Examine whether your actions met the standards set forth in NONPF’s advanced practice leadership
  • Examine how your values influenced the decisions that you made during the situation and the actions that you took to resolve it.
  • Critically analyze what, if anything, you would have done differently using nursing theory-guided practice.
  • Discuss how the outcome of that experience coupled with the knowledge obtained in this course will drive your future practice.






Grading Criteria

Category Possible Earned Comments
Introduction of the Situation 5 Describe the chosen situation, the key players, and your role.
Definition of Reflective Nursing 5 Examine the process of reflective nursing within the context of your situation.
Discussion – Reflective Nursing Cycle 20 Work through the situation using the provided Reflective Cycle framework.
Discussion – Values-based practice 15 Provide thoughtful discussion of how your values influenced your actions during the situation through its resolution.
Discussion –  NONPF leadership competencies 20 Discuss NONPF’s leadership competencies within the context of your situation. Did you actions in the situation satisfy the expectations as outlined in these competencies?
Analysis –Nursing Theory-Guided Practice 20 Thoroughly and insightfully analyze what, if anything, you would have done differently using nursing theory-guided practice. Is one theory most applicable to guide the situation? Is that theory the one with which you most relate? If so, why? If not, how do you resolve the conflict?
Outcome 10 Examine how the outcome of that experience coupled with the knowledge obtained in this course will drive your future practice.
Mechanics of writing, APA 5 APA formattingText, title page, and reference page(s) are completely consistent with APA format 6th edition.
Total  100


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