Why Mexico is poor
“Why is New Mexico poor and what should be done about it?
Part 1) How did this happen? (5 pages)
Discuss how geography helps explain why New Mexico is a poor state.
Part 2) What should we do about it? (3 pages)
Give a factual opinion on how we can improve economic conditions in New Mexico.
In Part 1
analyze New Mexico’s historical and cultural geography for reasons for why poverty is so common here. Use historical/cultural facts and demographic/income figures.
New Mexico has been claimed by various Indian nations, Spain, Mexico, and the United States.
As a result, New Mexicans often hold very different beliefs about whose place this is and how life should be lived. What are some of those core beliefs? Cultural diversity is a wonderful part of living here, but does this limit. New Mexican’s ability to agree on how we can create a more
prosperous future?
In Part 2
provide and briefly explain a thoughtful and factual set of recommendations for what can be done to reduce poverty in the state. A huge variety of topics might be considered including: reducing social/cultural conflicts, improving educational achievement, changing tax policies, altering economic development and energy development strategies, and reforming U.S.- Mexico Border laws. Basically, give a fact-based plan for how to reduce poverty.