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Systematic Study of Structured Diagnostic

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Systematic Study of Structured Diagnostic
Procedures in Outpatient Psychiatric
A Three-year, Three-cohort Study of the
Stability of Psychiatric Diagnoses
Dr. Kotwicki is with Skyland Trail and Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia; and Dr. Harvey is with the University of Miami Miller School of
Medicine, Miami, Florida.

Innov Clin Neurosci. 2013;10(5–6):14–19

FUNDING: This research was funded by Skyland Trail.

FINANCIAL DISCLOSURES: Dr. Kotwicki is the Medical Director of Skyland Trail. He reports no other conflicts of interest. Dr. Harvey is a member of
the National Advisory board of Skyland Trail and is compensated for this service.

ADDRESS CORRESPONDENCE TO: Raymond Kotwicki, MD; E-mail: rkotwicki@skylandtrail.org

KEY WORDS: Bipolar disorder, psychosis, structured diagnoses, validity

ABSTRACT                                          clinician diagnoses and those                      appears to be a reasonable trade-off
Background. Psychiatric                        generated by structured interviews.                between brevity and accuracy
diagnoses are important for                       The same three interviewers                        through the use of the MINI
treatment planning. There are a                   examined all patients in all three                 compared to the SCID, with
number of current challenges in the               phases of the study.                               substantial improvements in stability
area of psychiatric diagnosis with                   Results. Admission and discharge                of diagnoses compared to clinician
important treatment implications. In              diagnoses were available for 313                   diagnoses. Clinical diagnoses were
this study, we examined the                       cases. Diagnoses generated with the                minimally overlapping with the
differential usefulness of two semi-              unstructured procedure were                        results of structured diagnoses,
structured interviews of differing                changed by discharge 74 percent of                 suggesting that structured
length compared to clinical diagnoses             the time, compared to four percent                 assessment, particularly early in the
for generation of diagnoses that did              for SCID diagnoses and 11 percent                  illness or in short term treatment
not require modification over the                 for MINI diagnoses. Referring                      settings, may improve treatment
course of treatment.                              clinician diagnoses were disconfirmed              planning.
Methods. We performed a three-                 in Years 2 and 3 in 56 percent of
year, three-cohort study at an                    SCID cases and 44 percent of MINI                  INTRODUCTION
outpatient psychiatric rehabilitation             cases. The distinctions between                       The reliability of psychiatric
facility, comparing the stability of              unipolar and bipolar disorders were                diagnoses has improved markedly
admission diagnoses when generated                particular points of disagreement,                 since the introduction of structured
by unstructured procedures relying                with similar rates of under and over-              psychiatric interviews.1 These
on referring clinician diagnosis, the             diagnosis of bipolar disorder. The rate            interviews were first developed in the
SCID, and the MINI. We examined                   of confirmation of referring clinician             late 1960s2 and were fine tuned3 up
changes in diagnoses from admission               diagnoses of schizoaffective disorder              through the time of the introduction
to discharge (averaging 13 weeks)                 was 10 percent with the SCID and 11                of the the Diagnostic and Statistical
and, during the second two years,                 percent with the MINI.                             Manual of Mental Disorders, Third
convergence between referring                         Discussion. In this setting, there             Edition (DSM-III)4 in 1980. At the

14   Innovations in CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCE      [VOLUME 10, NUMBER 5–6, MAY–JUNE 2013] same time, the use of these                 multiple, newly indicated treatments         patients accurate diagnosis is
structured interviews is still not          and associated advertising. In               important. This is particularly
common in everyday clinical practice,       addition, an increased appreciation of       relevant to time-limited treatment. As
with most use in research settings. It      the fact that bipolar disorders can be       interventions such as day treatment
is not clear how much the application       marked by brief episodes of                  or other rehabilitation therapies may
of such interviews would impact the         hypomania rather than full manic             be approved by insurance payers for
reliability and validity of diagnoses in    episodes has increased the challenge         delivery only for finite periods,
clinical practice settings, but it seems    in discrimination between bipolar and        inaccurate targeting of treatment
likely that there are certain               unipolar mood disorders. We know             interventions early on could lead to
circumstances where the increase in         that distinguishing unipolar                 therapeutic interventions being
validity would be quite substantial.        depression and bipolar illness has           applied for relatively abbreviated and
The importance of collection of valid       socioeconomic and functional                 potentially inefficacious periods.
assessment data through structured          implications.12 Correspondingly,             Thus, early identification of the
assessment procedures is                    contemporary diagnostic trends may           eventual diagnosis can lead to
compounded by the problems in self-         also incorrectly shape referring             enhanced ability to deliver
report seen in multiple psychiatric         diagnoses when patients initially            appropriate treatments for a larger
conditions;5–7 questionnaire or             present for treatment. For instance,         proportion of the time allowed. In
checklist methods that do not contain       in previous years the concept of             this context, stability of diagnoses
interaction and observation with an         schizophrenia was expanded to                over time reflects an important
interviewer are clearly subject to          include a variety of conditions              component of the validity of these
these concerns.                             outside the current boundaries, such         diagnoses while it is admittedly not
While we have recently shown in a       as “pseudo-neurotic schizophrenia;”13        the only important aspect.
literature review8 that established         there is a controversy about whether            This paper presents the results of
schizophrenia can be diagnosed by           current concepts of mood spectrum            a systematic study of the usefulness
clinicians with high degrees of             conditions are overly broad as well.         of structured psychiatric interviews.
concordance with the results of                There are several benefits of             In a three-year, three-cohort,
structured psychiatric interviews,          systematic collection of diagnostic          consecutive-admission study, we
there are still multiple diagnostic         data in everyday practice. There are         examined psychiatric diagnoses that
challenges. Patients with multiple,         suggestions that certain conditions,         were generated through unstructured
early-course conditions, even               such as bipolar disorder, are both           clinical interviews and reliance on
schizophrenia, often have diagnoses         over-diagnosed14,15 and frequently           referral source diagnoses (Year 1),
that change even when initially             missed16,17 in clinical settings. The        and two different psychiatric
generated with structured                   most frequent suggestion to remedy           interviews that varied in their length
procedures.9,10 Psychiatric interviews      this situation is a structured               of administration (Years 2 and 3).
vary in their focus (Axis-I vs. Axis-II),   psychiatric interview. In fact, in the       This study was performed at an
in their length, and in their               Pogge et al14 and Zimmerman et al15          outpatient psychiatric rehabilitation
assessment of the patient alone             studies, using a structured interview        center that largely focuses on early
versus symptoms in their relatives.         revealed over-diagnosis of bipolar           course patients (mean age=24) and
Structured interviews can require           disorder in adolescent and adults            included three years of consecutive
substantial time commitments and            found to have major depression.              admissions from similar referral
can require considerable training in        Presumptive diagnoses of                     sources, where the assessment
order to be accurately employed.            posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)         procedure was systematically
Secular trends and patient              are often generated on the basis of          changed at one-year periods with the
expectations may also impact                trauma exposure, without a                   same admission staff in place across
presumed diagnoses when new                 systematic assessment of the other           the three years. We used the
patients present for treatment in           required symptoms.18 Schizoaffective         Structured Clinical Interview for the
community mental health settings.           disorder is commonly diagnosed in            DSM (SCID)22 for the second year of
Some of this variation may be due to        clinical practice,19 but the diagnosis       the study and the MINI International
exposure of potential patients to           has been argued to lack reliability20        Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI)23
media or internet information, which        and intrinsic clinical validity.21           for the third. Stability of diagnoses
may shape their opinions of their               Managed care companies are               was indexed through the number of
diagnoses. Bipolar disorder, for            often interested in matching                 changes in diagnosis suggested by the
instance, has seen a marked increase        treatments to diagnoses and may              clinical staff during the course of the
in terms of its diagnosed prevalence        refuse to reimburse for treatments           patient’s treatment based on real-
in the last 20 years, after 40 years of     that are not approved for specific           time observations and the results of
stability in diagnostic prevalence,11       indications, suggesting that in order        the therapeutic process. For cases in
with this increase corresponding with       to offer suitable treatments to              Years 2 and 3, we also compared the

[VOLUME 10, NUMBER 5–6, MAY–JUNE 2013]   Innovations in CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCE   15
TABLE 1. Diagnoses at admission over a three-year, three-cohort prospective study               as they were primary. Demographic
data, including admission diagnoses,
are presented in Table 1. As can be
CLINICAL (ONE)          SCID (TWO)         MINI (THREE)         seen in the table, the ages of the
N                                                                                 cases declined slightly each year and
110                   101                 110           there was a slight shift in the
M           SD        M           SD      M            SD     diagnostic distribution.
Procedure. The same three
Age                              36.4         12.6     34.1         13.4   31.9          11.8   admission staff members participated
Length of stay (days)            90.6         66.6     86.7         75.2   81.8          51.2   in all three years of this study, which
started October 1, 2008. In year one,
Gender (% male)                         62                    59                    50          all referrals for admission to the
Axis-I admission diagnosis
treatment center received a clinical
diagnosis based on an interview at
Bipolar                                46                    38                    50          admission and information provided
by the referral source. Throughout
Major depression                       30                    38                    40
that year, the presumed “working
Schizoaffective                        11                     1                    1           diagnosis” was the referral diagnosis
accompanied by an unstructured
Schizophrenia                           6                    16                    7
interview that occurred within 48
Anxiety (includes PTSD)                 6                     4                    10          hours of the patients’ admission. In a
pre-planned study, the three staff
Other                                   1                     4                    2
members were trained by an
experienced psychiatric
referral source diagnosis for the               informed consent for the analyses               diagnostician. During Year 2, these
patients to the diagnosis generated             performed in this study. Patients with          same staff members, after training,
with a structured psychiatric                   a primary diagnosis of a substance              interviewed all candidates for
interview. Our hypothesis was that              use disorder or personality disorders           admission with the SCID. Interview
both of the structured interviews               were excluded from admission due to             training consisted of observed
would be superior for generating                regulatory issues during this time              interviews, joint ratings, and
stable diagnoses to both clinical               period. Dual-diagnoses patients as              consensus discussion of a series of
judgments and referral diagnoses                well as patients who had concomitant            cases not included in these analyses.
based on unstructured clinical                  (but not primary) personality                   After one year of use of the SCID, a
observation. We were particularly               disorders were included in analyses.            third year of admissions were all
interested in whether the                          The same three experienced,                  interviewed and diagnosed with the
considerably more abbreviated MINI              master-level, admission staff                   MINI interview using identical
would yield the same diagnostic                 members participated over all three             training procedures.
stability, compared to the lengthier            years. At the beginning of the study,               There are several other important
SCID, in these patients.                        these staff members had a minimum               features of this design. In order for
of three years of experience and an             the procedure to simulate the reality
METHODS                                         average of 5. Cases were distributed            of clinical practice, we did not
Participants. Research                       sequentially across the three raters            perform extensive assessment of
participants consisted of three years           after referral to the treatment facility.       inter-rater reliability after the
of consecutive admissions to a                  These staff members were not                    initiation of the project. Instead, our
private, nonprofit, psychiatric                 involved in the treatment of the                goal was to determine if using a semi-
rehabilitation facility. All admissions         patients and did not have input into            structured interview and a trained
were examined; cases who were                   any subsequent treatment decisions.             rater would generate stable
screened for admission but who did              Further, the clinical staff members             diagnoses. To examine this question,
not receive services were not                   treating the patients were not                  we compared the rate of clinician
analyzed. All data were archived in a           informed of the plans to evaluate               change of rater-generated admission
database and examined anonymously.              diagnostic stability as an outcome              diagnoses across the three raters.
Patients signed a general consent               measure in the study. The reporting             Thus, the outcome was diagnostic
form for their data to be examined              of the diagnoses consisted of the axis          stability across raters within rating
anonymously and the Emory                       I and axis II diagnostic impressions            method and not agreement on a
University Internal Review Board                which were entered into the                     specific diagnosis such as bipolar
approved this study with expedited              electronic medical records. For this            disorder or schizophrenia. Patients
review and did not require signed               study, we focused on axis I diagnoses,          were treated at this facility on

16    Innovations in CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCE    [VOLUME 10, NUMBER 5–6, MAY–JUNE 2013] average over three months, with            TABLE 2. Changes in referral source diagnoses across during Years 2 and 3 of the study after
regular therapist and psychiatric          application of structured diagnostic interviews
consultations and round-the-clock
clinical observation.                         REFERRAL DIAGNOSIS            YEAR 2, % CONFIRMED             YEAR 3, % CONFIRMED
Primary axis-I diagnoses were
examined during the entire period of
Bipolar                                     40                             50
treatment for each case during the
three year period. Changes in the
Major depression                            50                             65
original admission diagnosis prior to
discharge from treatment were
recorded as the primary outcome            Schizoaffective                             10                             11
measure. As a secondary outcome in
Years 2 and 3, the original clinician      Schizophrenia                               50                             57
diagnosis was compared to the
admission diagnosis assigned               Anxiety                                     75                             50
following the structured diagnostic
interview. In the calculation of           Overall confirmation rate                   44                             58
“change in diagnosis,” we used the
following rules: 1) We generated
global categories in order to avoid        depression was changed to a                      with the structured procedures.
characterizing minor changes in            diagnosis of bipolar disorder or vice            These data are presented in Table 2.
diagnoses as discrepant. For instance,     versa. In marked contrast, the rates             See Figure 1 for a graphic depiction
we considered a diagnosis of bipolar       of change of diagnoses generated by              of these results. There were
II and bipolar I disorder to be            the SCID during similarly lengthy                substantial discrepancies between
consistent, although a change in           stays was four percent and the rates             these diagnoses. Of the cases
diagnosis from bipolar depression to       of changes in MINI diagnoses was 11              interviewed with the SCID, 56
major depression was considered a          percent. Chi-square tests were used              percent of the cases were assigned a
change. 2) We did not consider             to compare the differences in rate of            diagnosis that was different from that
schizophrenia subtypes as part of the      change in diagnoses across                       provided by the referral source and
diagnostic agreement, but considered       procedures. The difference in rates of           for the MINI the number of cases
schizophrenia to be different from         change between the clinical                      whose diagnosis was different was 42
schizoaffective disorder. 3) Changes       diagnostic assessment procedure and              percent. Diagnostic confirmation
in clinical state codes (i.e., severe to   the SCID was significant,                        rates for bipolar were 40 percent and
remission) during the course of            chi2(1)=19.09, p<0.001, as was the               50 percent for the two years, and
treatment within the same diagnosis        difference between clinical diagnoses            confirmation of major depressive
were not considered as a difference        and the MINI, chi2(1)=7.50, p<0.005.             disorder were somewhat higher. Most
in diagnosis.                              However, the difference in rates of              diagnostic discrepancies were
RESULTS                                    changes in diagnoses between SCID                interview-based diagnoses of major
As can be seen in Table 1, the          and MINI procedures was not                      depression in cases referred as
overall pattern of admission               significant, chi2(1)= 2.01, p=0.16.              bipolar and bipolar depression in
diagnoses changed slightly over the           In order to determine whether                 cases referred as major depression.
study period. Diagnoses of major           there were differences across the                Diagnostic confirmation of
depressive disorder became more            three raters in the extent to which              schizoaffective disorder was also very
common and diagnoses of psychosis          their diagnoses were changed over                low at 10 percent and 11 percent
became less so. When the primary           the course of treatment for the                  across the two years.
outcome, change in diagnosis from          patients, we performed a 3 (rater) x
admission to discharge, was                2 (changed or not changed) Chi-                  DISCUSSION
examined there were clear                  square test for each of the three                   Given the importance of matching
differences across the methods. In         years. All three years suggested no              appropriate diagnosis with evidence-
the year prior to the implementation       differences across the three raters in           based pharmacologic,
of the SCID, 74 percent of admission       the extent to which their diagnoses              psychotherapeutic, and psychosocial
diagnoses based on referral diagnosis      were changed by the clinicians (all              interventions, identifying an accurate
and unstructured interview were            chi2(2 df)<1.47, all p>0.48).                    working diagnosis quickly and
changed over the course of the                In the analyses of data from Years            efficiently in community mental
treatment period, with the most            2 and 3, we compared clinical                    health settings is essential. Relying
common changes being that an               diagnosis provided by the referring              on referring diagnoses and self-
admission diagnosis of major               source to the diagnoses generated                report of previous diagnoses may

[VOLUME 10, NUMBER 5–6, MAY–JUNE 2013]       Innovations in CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCE      17
between referring clinician diagnoses
and the results of structured
assessments cannot be attributed to
bias on the part of clinicians toward
not modifying a diagnosis. The
facility at which these analyses
occurred is a private, non-profit
treatment program that does not bill
Medicaid or Medicare. A selection
bias in referred patients may limit
generalizability of these outcomes to
other treatment settings in which
patients from more varied economic
groups are assessed and the
applicability to inpatient settings
cannot be determined. The very
short stays typical in current
inpatient treatment make the use of
structured diagnostic assessments
FIGURE 1. Confirmation of referral source diagnoses across during Years 2 and 3 of the study
less useful. A relatively younger age
after application of structured diagnostic interviews                                          of the patients in this study may limit
generalizability of the findings to
older patients who have had longer
yield a diagnosis that requires                 diagnosis of bipolar disorder in the           experiences with serious, persistent
modification, even in the context of            absence of symptomatic evidence in             mental illnesses. Neither the SCID
an initial unstructured psychiatric             patients eventually diagnosed with             nor the MINI was designed for the
diagnostic assessment by experts.               major depression and tendencies to             purpose of diagnosing axis-II
Implementing structured interviews              miss euphoric bipolar symptoms.                pathology and as a result, these
in such settings may be prudent, as             Unsystematic assessment may                    diagnoses could not be systematically
rates of diagnostic changes were                produce both types of diagnostic               assessed in this study. The required
significantly reduced in our study              errors: inadequate knowledge of the            investment in training clinicians and
using both the SCID and MINI.                   signs of a manic or hypomanic                  administering the standardized
Length of administration of the MINI            episode may lead to a false positive           assessments may similarly limit the
is shorter than administering the               bipolar diagnosis and failure to               practicality of assessment of these
SCID (20 minutes compared to over               assess for manic episodes may lead             outcomes in busy community mental
90 minutes), and diagnostic stability           to false negatives. Schizoaffective            health treatment centers, where
was not notably different between               disorder seems to be more often                resources tend to be limited.
these two structured interviews in              found in the diagnostic opinions of               Although the study participants
our cohorts.                                    clinicians than in the results of              were on average quite young,
Themes of modifications in                  structured assessments.                        patients were typically not recovering
referral diagnoses in our study                     There are some limitations to              from their first episode of illness,
mirrored data from other community              these data and these analyses.                 during which time actual changes in
diagnostic studies. In our Year-2 and           Stability is not the only element of           symptomatology and presentation
Year-3 cohorts, patients who                    validity; we did not examine                   might account for diagnostic
presented initially with diagnoses of           treatment response, biomarkers, or             uncertainty. As treatment options for
bipolar illness, unipolar depression,           course of illness as validity                  mental illnesses continue to improve,
and schizoaffective disorder had                indicators. We could not quantify the          diagnostic stability and reliability
significant rates of re-diagnosis of            reasons why clinicians changed                 become even more important in
their primary mental illness using a            admission diagnoses, and there may             community mental health settings.
structured diagnostic tool. Bipolar             be several reasons for these changes.          Pharmacologic, psychotherapeutic,
illness prior to admission seemed to            It also is possible that clinicians were       and social interventions used to treat
be both over-diagnosed and under-               less likely to change diagnoses                patients with bipolar illness are
recognized within patients referred             generated by structured interviews,            significantly different than similar
to this treatment facility. While the           but the clinicians were not aware we           classes of interventions for patients
origin of the pattern of such                   planned to examine changes in                  with personality disorders or even
diagnostic changes is unclear, there            diagnosis as an outcome variable in a          unipolar depression. This study
was both a bias toward over-                    research study. Discrepancies                  suggests that the up-front investment

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[VOLUME 10, NUMBER 5–6, MAY–JUNE 2013]     Innovations in CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCE      19
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1.What was the purpose of this study?

2.Who were the participants in this study? (Give as much detail as possible.)

3.Who was responsible for assessing the patients in this study and what did they use to assess the patients?

4.According to the article, what are some of the pros and cons of structured interviews?

5.According to the article, why is correct, early diagnosis important?

6.What patients were excluded from this study and why?

7.Why was inter-rater reliability not a significant consideration in this study?

8.Based on the results of the study, which diagnostic tool generated the most reliable/stable diagnosis?

9.Based on the results of the study, what do the researchers suggest about using structured interviews for diagnosis?


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