Focus statement
Order Description
Part 1: Identify Focus of Community Assessment
What is a macro social issue that affects a citizen/client group or resident population?
Each task group will identify a social issue (e.g. housing, education, safety, employment) that affects a client/citizen group or resident population.
• Group members will come to consensus about the specific social issue and client/citizen group or resident population based on one of the member’s field placement.
o Example: Client/Citizen Group: Senior citizens
o Social issue: Prevalence of poverty
• The social issue chosen could also be one that affects a population of residents in a defined geographic area, for example, vacant housing in the XYZ neighborhood.
What is the geographic community (neighborhood, Statistical Planning Area, small town) for the assessment?
• Each task group should identify a geographic community (neighborhood, Statistical Planning Area (SPA), or small town) served by a field site to conduct the community assessment.
o Example geographic community: Cleveland’s Mt. Pleasant neighborhood.
o The second task is to come up with a focus statement for the community assessment—putting the pieces together.
• Example of focus statement for community assessment: prevalence of poverty among seniors in Cleveland’s Mt. Pleasant neighborhood
Focus group racial minority youth and access to education,