Information Technology
Paper details:
answer the following two Major Questions:
What is the most important information technology or information systems development that has occurred regarding its effects on business firms and other
organizations? Why? What is the most important information technology or information systems development that is likely to occur for the foreseeable
future? Why?
answer at least 4 of these subquestions: What characteristics make a development important? How do the developments you list fit (or
achieve/demonstrate) those characteristics- What can we learn from past developments about anticipating, identifying, coping with, managing, maximizing
the benefits of, minimizing the risks of, and otherwise dealing successfully with emerging developments? How fully can we control the impacts of
developments or adapt to the flow of change that the developments bring with them? What types of individuals and/or organizations are most likely to be
successful in dealing with and/or prospering from such developments? Is there danger in creating developments when the implications of those
developments is not (or cannot) be fully understood in advance of deploying them-