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Case study anxiety


Word count: 1000 words
Scenario B – Tracey is a 35 year old woman who presents for assessment to the Emergency Mental Health Community Team. She is six months pregnant with her third child. Her other children, to her ex-partner, are aged three and five. Tracey is in a heterosexual relationship with her partner of one year, Peter. Peter moved in to live with Tracey and her children eight months ago. The children’s father is distressed about Peter moving in to live with his children. There is verbal hostility between Tracey and her ex- partner each time he visits to collect the children for a weekend visit. Her ex- partner frequently states he is making arrangements for court to have full time care of the children. Tracey and her current partner, Peter, are in $35,000 uncontrolled debt after a recent new joint business venture failed. A finance company calls weekly requesting payment. Tracey and her partner stopped making the mortgage repayments three months ago, with the belief that dealing with the uncontrolled debt would be a better option. Her parents are supportive but live in Queensland. Tracey is able to have face to face contact with them once a year. She does chat with her parents over telephone every week if possible. Tracey states she is worried about how she will cope with her two children and new baby. She reports low mood, weekly panic attacks and fleeting thoughts of suicide. During your meeting with Tracey, you note she is fidgety and restless, breathing rapidly, shaking slightly, sweating and tearful. She is not wishing to actively engage with the mental health services, for fear it will impact on her having care of her children, stating she will visit her General Practitioner (GP)
Note: “This case study focus on anxiety”
No introduction or conclusion to your work is needed.

Critical Analyse writing = means you need to Compare sources for the essay use more then one source talking about the same aspect on each paragraph.

Write an excellent strong discussion/argument on all the body paragraphs.

Use of references most be between 2011 and 2015) references within your work. (NOTE: it is fine to use the National Mental Health Survey, 2007, even though it is more than five years since publication as it is the latest national survey of its kind). Reference list in APA 6th Edition style.

the follwoing sites should help.
Beyond blue, reachout, blackdog, headspace, national mental health commission, ABS, department of health, Australian Institute of Health and Welfare.
Using Scenario B- please answer the following questions:
1. Investigate and outline the prevalence/incidence of anxiety in Australia – Your answer needs to cover: gender, age groups, specific risk groups, hospitalisations. (220 words)

2. Using current literature discuss TWO (2) factors that may have contributed to the development of the client’s presentation and mental health concerns. (220 words)

3. Using current literature discuss TWO (2) ethico-legal issues related to your scenario. (220 words)

4. Identify TWO (2) nursing concerns / problems with evidence from your chosen scenario- Your risk identification should be focused on the next 1-5 days of nursing care for your client. (120 words)

5. For each nursing concern / problem you have identified in Question 4, outline and describe TWO (2) evidence based nursing interventions (ie; what you would actually do as a nurse to support the person and how you would do it). Your interventions should be focused on nursing care for your client over the next 1-5 days. They must be interventions which you would actually undertake directly with your client within your role as a nurse. You are also required to provide a clear rationale for each nursing intervention (ie. why have you chosen the particular nursing interventions? How will the interventions support the person or contribute positively to their current presentation or concern?) Each intervention and rationale must be supported by current literature. (220 words)

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