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Assessment details

Essay topic
Choose one of the following group/s of primary sources:
1. John Curtin, ‘The Task Ahead’, The Herald (Melbourne), 27 December, 1941. Source: http://john.curtin.edu.au/pmportal/text/00468.html – Accessed 27 May, 2011.
2. Calwell, Arthur, Commonwealth Parliamentary Debates, House of Representatives, 2 August 1945, Vol. 184, pp. 4911–4915.
3. Images from:
Pickett, C. Refreshing! Art Off the Pub Wall, Powerhouse Publishing, Haymarket, 1990.
a) ‘It’s the Most Refreshing Drink of All!’, p. 58.
b) ‘Keep Health and Happiness in the Home with Tooth’s Sheaf Stout’, p. 59.
c) ‘That Bottle Looks Inviting’ and ‘The Thoughtful Wife’, p. 54
And from:
Stannard, B. The Face on the Bar Room Wall: Australian Pub Posters 1929-1950, Angus & Robertson Publishers, Sydney, 1982.
d) ‘Tooths XXX Ale, A Man’s Drink!’, p. 47.
e) ‘Now for a K.B.!’, p. 22
f) Tooth’s Sheaf Stout, After a Strenuous Set!’, p. 67.

NOTE: Use BOTH groups of images.
4. Anti-¬conscription leaflet produced by the SOS Movement, undated, (UQFL193, Box 8, Folder: Conscription), available
athttp://www.library.uq.edu.au/fryer/worth_fighting/images/6_3.jpg also on e-reserve.
5. Excerpt from John Howard’s Policy Speech, 28 October 2001, officially launching the Coalition’s 2001 election campaign. (Note: The full speech is available here,
but for the purposes of the assignment you are only required to draw on the e-reserve excerpt.) http://electionspeeches.moadoph.gov.au/speeches/2001-john-howard
Use your selected primary source as the focus for an essay that answers the following:

What issues or debates does this primary source/s illuminate? What are the challenges facing the historian who seeks to interpret this source/s?

You should begin with a brief explanation of the content and purpose of the source. Comment on the author and his or her situation. Establish what type of primary
source it is. A private letter? An official report? A newspaper article? A memoir? A map? An artwork? A site? When was it created? For and by whom? For what purpose?
Are there any key terms, phrases or features that require explanation?
By historical context we mean, basically, the circumstances surrounding the production of the primary source. What pertinent facts or circumstances must we consider in
order to understand this source? Is there a personal, social or political background that might be relevant? The question also invites you to contemplate whether this
source can be used to illuminate any particular issue or debate – be it a contemporary issue from the period, or one that currently engages us today.
With regard to the challenges facing the historian, you might ask if there is any reason to be wary of the author’s opinions, or of his or her version of events. Was
the author in a position to offer reliable opinions on the subject of the primary source? Has the character of the source been affected by the values or expectations
of the audience for which it was intended? Are there any underlining attitudes, prejudices or vested interests that might have shaped the content and tone of the
source? Are there any doubts over its authenticity or authorship? Is there any evidence that contradicts the statements made in the source? Are there constraints or
issues affecting the source due to the type of source it is?
Your presentation must conform with the formal standards and requirements of a written essay, including the use of footnotes to acknowledge quotations, facts and
opinions taken from other sources, and a bibliography.
In order to complete the assignment, do the following:
1. Choose your primary source.
Copies of these sources are available from e-reserve and/or through the unit website.
2. Locate, research and read at least five secondary sources that provide historical context and that offer historians’ interpretations of the topic.
You should begin by consulting the Topic Notes for your selected topic. You are also encouraged to locate other suitable sources. Make sure you record the full
reference details for each source.
For the SHum Referencing Style Guidelines consult the SHum Policies Booklet You need to critically evaluate each of the sources. This means close engagement with each
source in order to understand the key arguments, emphases and evidence used. Perhaps begin by making annotations for each source as you did for your first assignment.
The secondary sources you select should provide you with background information and with examples of historians’ interpretations of, and explanations for, the event or
issue which your selected primary source documents. These should be substantial and scholarly works. General histories and the general information websites provide
good starting points, but the depth required is to be found in work in which the historian has spent time doing some detailed research on primary and secondary
sources. Assignments must not depend only on general histories and commentaries for the contextual information.
3. Pursue a close ‘reading’ and analysis of the primary source.
Here you should be assisted by the general advice given in the Overview section above and the unit Topic notes. Again, always remember to write down the full reference
details of any sources that you consult. They should be included in your Bibliography.
4. Create an essay plan and draft your essay.
Here you should draw on your first assignment and the feedback provided, and the Advice on Essay Writing.
Remember, your essay should have:
• An introduction that introduces the source and your approach to the set question.
• A body that consists of a series of paragraphs, each one usually addressing a different point. The point should be stated and then discussed and substantiated
using examples from your primary source and from the secondary sources you selected.
• References in footnotes (use the SHum Referencing Guidelines in the SHum Policies Booklet as a guide to when and how to reference).
• A conclusion that pulls together the points raised in the essay, and summarises your response to the question.
4. Polish your essay
Please leave sufficient time to polish and proof your essay. Perhaps get someone else to read it to make sure it makes sense. Watch for sentences that seem awkward or
unclear. Check for spelling and grammatical errors (and don’t depend totally on the computer spell check – it can create more mistakes than it corrects!!)
5. Submit your assignment
This should be done by e-submission and by 11.59 pm on the due date at the latest. If you have genuine reasons for requiring an extension of time, make sure that you
contact the Unit Coordinator.
Assessment criteria
Before submission, check that your assignment conforms to the following points:
1. Adequate research (at least 5 secondary sources).
2. Critical evaluation of sources.
3. Answers the set question/s.
4. Clear essay structure and argument.
5. Correct grammar, spelling and expression.
6. Correctly presented Footnotes and Bibliography.
It is these criteria that will be assessed when marking your assignment.
Last modified: Thursday, 18 June 2015, 3:49 PM

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