0-49% Pass
50 – 64% Credit
65 – 74% Distinction
75 – 84% High Distinction
Describes the significance of mini poster content to own clinical practice. 15% Does not attempt to describes the significance of mini poster content to own clinical practice Basic description of significance of mini poster content to own clinical practice Reasonable description of significance of mini poster content to own clinical practice
Solid description of significance of mini poster content to own clinical practice Sophisticated description of significance of mini poster content to own clinical practice
Demonstrates an understanding of the main issues 25% Does not demonstrate an understanding of the main issues Basic understanding of the main issues. May not demonstrate critical engagement with the issues Reasonable understanding of the main issues. Actively engages with issues presented. Includes new references to support commentary. Solid understanding of the main issues. Demonstrates high level of critical thinking about the issues presented. Includes new references to support commentary. Extensive understanding of the main issues
Comments constructively on strengths of review & opportunities for improvement 50% Does not describe strengths and limitations of review, or does so in an unconstructive manner Basic comment on strengths and opportunities for improvement. May not include both aspects. Reasonable comment on strengths of review and opportunities for improvement. One aspect may not be fully developed. Solid comment on strengths of review and opportunities for improvement Sophisticated comment on strengths of review and opportunities for improvement
Thoughtful style & presentation of comments. Conversational style acceptable. 10% Consistently poor spelling/ grammar.
Poor sentence construction.
Illogical flow of ideas.
Inability to present a coherent argument.
A number of spelling / grammatical errors.
Sentences mostly make sense. The ideas are mostly logical.
A few spelling or grammatical errors noted. Sentences are properly constructed and there is a logical flow of ideas. Correct spelling / grammar used effectively almost all of the time. Well-developed vocabulary and structure with smooth transition from one idea to the next. Maintains consistent, clear links to argument. Correct spelling & grammar at all times. Sophisticated use of vocabulary and sentence / paragraph structure.
Highly effective topic & concluding sentences with consistent, clear links to argument.