Home / Essays / Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela

(I have chosen Nelson Mandela ) For this essay, you need to select and read a book (non-fiction or fiction) or watch a film that has at the centre of the story a character, such as a historical, cultural, business, sport, or political leader, and analyse the development of the central character’s career.

In your analysis of the individual’s career, identify the impact of individual, social, societal & environmental influences and chance events on the individual, using the ideas of the systems theory framework of career development. Lastly, using Career Construction Theory, how did the individual make their way through the stages of being ‘self as actor’, ‘self as agent’ and ‘self an author’ of their own career? Remember to reference readings where appropriate.

MARKING CRITERIA Excellent Good Satisfactory Insufficient Poor
1. Description of central character’s career
Write a summary of character’s career story as depicted in the book/film.

/5 Provides a thorough summary of the storyline of the central character’s career and is written in a way that a reader who has not read the book / watched the film is able to gain an in-depth understanding of the character’s career.
5 points Provides a good summary of the storyline of the central character’s career and is written in a way that a reader who has not read the book / watched the film is able to gain a reasonably good understanding of the character’s career.
4 points Provides an adequate summary of the storyline of the central character’s career and is written in a way that a reader who has not read the book / watched the film is able to gain an understanding of the character’s career.
3 points Provides a basic summary of the storyline of the central character’s career and is written in a way that a reader who has not read the book / watched the film is only able to gain a limited understanding of the character’s career.
2 points Provides a poorly outlined summary, or no summary at all, of the storyline of the central character’s career, or is written in a way that a reader who has not read the book / watched the film is unable to gain an understanding of the character’s career.

0-1 point
2. Explanation of Systems Theory
Explains key concepts of the systems theory framework of career development, referring to subject readings.

/5 Provides a comprehensive explanation of the systems theory framework of careers. Clearly explains all key concepts and assumptions of the theory. References subject readings consistently to support ideas and uses appropriate terminology.
5 points Provides a good explanation of the systems theory framework of careers. Clearly explains most key concepts and assumptions of the theory. References subject readings to support ideas and uses appropriate terminology.
4 points Provides an adequate explanation of the systems theory framework of careers. Outlines some of the key concepts and assumptions of the theory. References subject readings to support ideas and uses appropriate terminology.
3 points Provides a basic explanation of the systems theory framework of careers. Outlines or correctly outlines only a few of the key concepts and assumptions of the theory. Uses appropriate terminology and references subject readings on a limited basis only.

2 points Does not refer to, or provides a limited explanation of the systems theory of careers. May provide an inaccurate outline of the theory. Key concepts and assumptions are not identified or are poorly outlined. Does not use appropriate or accurate terminology. References are poor or non-existent.

0-1 point
3. Application and analysis of Systems Theory
Using the framework from the systems theory of career development, identifies the impact of internal and external influences and chance events on the character’s career development. Analyses and links systems theory to the character’s career path.
/10 Clearly and comprehensively explains the impact of internal and external influences and chance events depicted in the film/book.

Provides a detailed analysis and clearly links systems theory to the character’s career path. Multiple, in-depth examples from the book/film are provided to illustrate key concepts.
9-10 points Explains clearly the impact of a number of internal and external influences and chance events depicted in the film/book.

Provides a good analysis and clearly links systems theory to the character’s career path. Several detailed examples from the book/film are provided to illustrate key concepts.
6-8 points Identifies some internal and external influences and chance events depicted in the film/book. Provides some explanation of the impact of these influences and chance events.

Provides an adequate analysis and links systems theory to the character’s career path. Several examples from the book/film are provided to illustrate key concepts.
4-5 points Identifies some internal and external influences and chance events depicted in the film/book, but provides a limited explanation of their impact.

Provides limited analysis and no or weak links between systems theory and the character’s career path.
Few or no examples are provided from the book/film to illustrate key concepts.
2-3 points Internal and external influences and chance events are not clearly identified or are not identified at all. No or poor explanation of their impact.

Provides no or limited analysis and poorly explained links between systems theory and the character’s career path. May not link the theory to the character’s career path at all. No or poorly explained examples from the book/film are provided to illustrate key concepts.

0-1 point
4. Explanation of Career Construction theory

Explains key concepts of
career construction
theory, referring to
subject readings.
/ 5 Provides a comprehensive explanation of career construction theory.
Clearly explains all key concepts and consistently uses appropriate terminology. Refers to subject references to support ideas.

5 points Provides a good explanation of career construction theory. Explains most key concepts and uses appropriate terminology and references subject readings consistently.

4 points Provides an adequate explanation of career construction theory. Outlines some of the key concepts and uses appropriate terminology. References subject readings to support ideas.

3 points Provides a basic explanation of career construction theory. Outlines or correctly outlines only a few of the key concepts. Uses appropriate terminology on a limited basis. References to subject readings are limited or inadequate.

2 points Does not refer to, or provides a limited explanation of career construction theory. May provide an inaccurate outline of the theory. Key concepts are not identified or are poorly outlined. Does not use appropriate or accurate terminology. References to subject readings are poor or non-existent.

0-1 point
5. Application and analysis of Career Construction theory
Using the career construction theory, explains the key concepts of roles for ‘self’. Analyses and links career construction theory to the character’s career path.

/5 Clearly and comprehensively explains the character’s roles of actor, agent and author.

Provides a detailed analysis and clearly links career construction theory to the character’s career path. Uses in-depth and multiple examples from the film/book to illustrate key concepts.
5 points Clearly explains the character’s roles of actor, agent and author.

Provides a good analysis and clearly links careers construction theory to the character’s career path. Several detailed examples from the film/book are provided to illustrate key concepts.

4 points Identifies most or all of the character’s roles of actor, agent and author.

Provides an adequate analysis and links career construction theory to the character’s career path. Several examples are provided from the film/book to illustrate key concepts.
3 points Identifies some of the character’s roles of actor, agent and author or incorrectly identifies the roles.

Provides limited analysis and no or weak links between career construction theory and the character’s career path. Few or no examples are provided from the film/book to illustrate key concepts.

2 points Does not identify or poorly describes the character’s roles of actor, agent and author.

Provides no or limited analysis and poorly explained links between career construction theory and the character’s career path. May not link the theory to the character’s career path at all. No or poorly explained examples from the book/film are provided to illustrate key concepts.
0-1 point
6. References
Demonstrates appropriate use of subject reading materials to support ideas with citations and quotes. Appropriate adherence to APA or Harvard referencing conventions.
/5 More than 6 relevant references are incorporated to support ideas and demonstrate understanding. Pertinent quotes are skilfully integrated into the text.

APA or Harvard referencing conventions in both in-text referencing and reference list has been used accurately and consistently.
5 points More than 4-5 relevant subject readings are used to support ideas and demonstrate understanding. Pertinent quotes are explained.

APA referencing conventions in both in-text referencing and the reference list has been used almost always accurately and consistently.
4 points 2-3 appropriate subject readings are used to support ideas and demonstrate understanding. Quotes are mostly relevant and explained clearly.

APA referencing conventions in both in- text referencing and the reference list are in evidence but there are a few inconsistencies.
3 points At least 2 subject readings are used to support ideas. Quotes may not be evident or their relevance may not be explained.

Attempt made to adhere to APA referencing conventions in both in- text referencing and the reference list, but with multiple errors and inconsistencies.
2 points No subject readings are used to support ideas.

Adherence to APA or Harvard referencing conventions in both in-text referencing and the reference list is minimal or non-existent.

0-1 point
7. Organisation and Readability
/5 The written text demonstrates a logical arrangement of paragraphs, a logical use of transitions between paragraphs, and a logical organisation of ideas within paragraphs. The organisation enhances a reader’s understanding of the ideas in the essay.
The written text contains few or no errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation or sentence structure. Style is effective and engages the reader.

5 points The written text usually demonstrates a logical arrangement of paragraphs, a logical use of transitions between paragraphs, and a logical organisation of ideas within paragraphs. The organisation somewhat enhances a reader’s understanding of the ideas in the essay.
The written text contains no more than a few errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation or sentence structure. Style is effective and engages the reader.
4 points The written text demonstrates a generally clear arrangement of paragraphs, a generally clear organisation of ideas within paragraphs. The organisation assists a reader’s understanding of the ideas in the essay.
The written text contains some errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, or sentence structure, but these errors do no interfere with comprehension. Style is appropriate.

3 points The written text sometimes demonstrates a confusing arrangement of paragraphs, a formulaic use of (or lack of) transitions between paragraphs, or a confusing arrangement of ideas within paragraphs. The disorganisation sometimes makes it difficult for a reader to understand the ideas in the essay.
The written text contains several errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, or sentence structure that interfere with comprehension. Style is somewhat inappropriate.
2 points The written text demonstrates a confusing arrangement of paragraphs, a formulaic use of (or lack of) transitions between paragraphs, or a confusing arrangement of ideas within paragraphs. The disorganisation makes it difficult for a reader to understand the ideas in the essay.
The written text contains numerous errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, or sentence structure that interfere with comprehension. Style is inappropriate.
0-1 point

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