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Psychology 102 (4310) Literature Review Marking Rubric Guide

100% 75% 50% 25% 0% Abstract (5%) Effectively summarised the literature review (120 words maximum)
The topic is clearly introduced. The purpose, underlying theoretical construct and scope of the literature review are clear. The key findings and overall response to the literature review question (conclusion) are clear and concise. No new material is presented
The topic is clearly introduced. The purpose, underlying construct and scope of the literature review are included. Key findings and the overall response to the literature review question (conclusion) are generally clear. No new material is presented.
The topic can be identified. The purpose, underlying construct and scope of the literature review are included, but could be improved. Key findings and the overall response to the literature review question (conclusion) are included, but may not be clear or accurate. No new material is presented.
The abstract goes over the word length AND/OR the topic, conclusion is unclear. New material may be presented.
No abstract is presented.
Content (60%)
Appropriately answered all parts of the question
All aspects of the question were addressed, thoroughly analysed and discussed. Focus was on the argument, with no deviation from the question.

All aspects of the question were considered and addressed, soundly analysed and discussed. Focus was on the argument, with almost no deviation from the literature review question.
Most aspects of the question were addressed, adequately analysed and discussed, but may be noticeable deviations from the literature review question and/or too much attention given to the descriptive component of the literature review.
Failed to answer/analyse some aspects of the literature review question, AND/OR had major deviations from the literature review question/topic.
Failed to grasp the literature review question, and there was a major deviation from the topic.
Linked theory and research to the argument of the literature review
Both theory and research are integrated clearly and eloquently with the argument throughout the literature review.
Generally, both theory and research are integrated well with the argument of the literature review.
Some theories and/or research are omitted OR not integrated with the argument. The majority of theories and research presented were relevant.
Theories and research are minimally integrated with the argument, and some are not relevant to the argument.
Theories and research are not linked and/or relevant to the argument (which may be absent).
Psychology 102 (4310) Literature Review Marking Rubric Guide
Claims made are supported by relevant, current and appropriately detailed research evidence
Theoretical and research claims are well supported by in-text citations. A wide range of appropriate peerreviewed sources were included. Inclusion of non-recent literature is appropriate (e-reserve listing or seminal article). Extensive reading is evident with an appropriate level of detail on key aspects of theory/research throughout the entire literature review
Theoretical claims are supported by sufficient intext citations, as are all references to past research. Included appropriate, mostly recent sources. Inclusion of non-recent literature is appropriate (e-reserve or seminal article). Good effort to include appropriate detail on current theory and/or research.
Theoretical and research claims are generally supported by in-text citations. A limited number of sources, but some may not be as well matched to the literature review question. A satisfactory level of detail was included.
Concern regarding some absent citations for included claims AND/OR a reliance inappropriate, nonspecific and/or irrelevant sources (e.g. internet).
Serious lack of intext citations to support claims in the literature review AND/OR heavy reliance on inappropriate sources.
Provided comprehensive coverage of relevant research evidence supporting or contradicting the argument
Exceptional understanding of the topic. Concise, clear and well-articulated argument that has comprehensively included relevant evidence to support or contradict the argument. Support is sound, valid and specific.
Clear understanding of the topic is demonstrated. Relevant evidence for and against the assigned question is demonstrated. Support is valid and logical.
Adequate understanding of the topic and an attempt to consider both sides of the argument has been demonstrated.
Little understanding of the topic has been demonstrated. May have failed to consider evidence both for and against the assigned question.
Poor understanding of the topic and/or theoretical framework. Clear absence of support for main ideas. There is no discernible argument.
Provided critical evaluation of included
Sound critical thought and analysis is demonstrated. An exceptional
Sound critical thought and analysis is demonstrated. The author’s voice is dominant throughout the
Attempts at critical analysis have been demonstrated, but could be improved upon (may
Opportunities for critical analysis have been missed. Research has been presented in a
No attempt at critical evaluation of included theories and research has
Psychology 102 (4310) Literature Review Marking Rubric Guide
theories and research
understanding of included research is demonstrated. The author’s voice is dominant throughout the literature review.
literature review. be inconsistent or primarily presented in a descriptive manner)
descriptive manner. been demonstrated.
Structure (15%)
Included an appropriate introduction which outlines the topic and its significance
All components were included in a clear, concise and coherent manner. * General background/significance of the topic was clearly established * Focus/purpose of the essay was clear and concise * Main points to emerge within the body of the literature review are all succinctly outlined
Core components were all clearly included. * General background/significance of the topic was clearly established * Focus/purpose of the literature review was clear * Main points raised within the body of the literature review are all outlined.
The literature review offers an introduction but fails to do one of the following: * Outline the significance of the topic/issues to be discussed * Outline to purpose of the literature review * Outline the main points to be discussed within the body of the literature review
More than 1 of the core components are missing or are very unclear. Major revisions are required.
The introduction is missing or indiscernible as the core components cannot be identified.
Ideas progressed in a clear and logical manner throughout the literature review 5%
All ideas are presented in a sequential and logical manner. The flow of the argument was excellent
Progression of ideas was mostly in a logical manner. The flow of the argument was generally good.
Progression of ideas was satisfactory and generally logical. Restructuring is suggested to direct the flow of ideas to the conclusion.
A lack of logical progression of ideas was evident, and main points appeared disorganised, unclear or absent. Paragraph structure was disconnected. Major restructuring is required to direct the main argument to the conclusion.
No logical progression of ideas was apparent. Paragraph structure was poor or nonexistent. Linking transitions were disorganised, unclear or absent. Major restructuring is required to produce
Psychology 102 (4310) Literature Review Marking Rubric Guide
a logical progression of ideas.
The literature review was drawn together in a sound and concise conclusion
The conclusion was clear, concise, coherent, and presented: * A summation of research and theoretical evidence * A return to the main argument of the literature review * A clear statement responding to the literature review question * Reference to implications for future research and/or unresolved problems
The conclusion was mostly clear and coherent: * Summation of research and theoretical evidence * A return to the main argument of the literature review * A clear statement responding to the literature review question * Reference to implications for future research and/or unresolved problems
The conclusion was satisfactory but failed to provide one of the following: * Summation of research and theoretical evidence * A return to the main argument of the literature review * A clear statement responding to the literature review question * Reference to implications for future research and/or unresolved problems
More than one of the following is not discernible from the conclusion: * Summation of research and theoretical evidence * A return to the main argument of the literature review * A clear statement responding to the literature review question * Reference to implications for future research and/or unresolved problems
The conclusion is missing or is not discernible, as core components cannot be identified.
Referencing (10%)
An appropriate choice and number of references were utilised 2%
A comprehensive number of references have been used, and all from appropriate sources.
An adequate number of references have been used, and from appropriate sources.
Appropriate references were used throughout the review with one exception.
A limited number of references have been used; more than one are not from appropriate sources.
Minimal references have been used, and/or they are from inappropriate sources.
Effective use of appropriate intext
References were consistently cited appropriately throughout
Mostly consistent and correct use of APA 6th edition format was used for
Some consistent use of APA 6th edition in-text citation guidelines,
Correct APA 6th edition in-text citation format has been used very
References were rarely cited appropriately, or
Psychology 102 (4310) Literature Review Marking Rubric Guide
the literature review, with no omissions/errors. Consistent and correct use of APA 6th edition format was used for all in-text citations.
in-text citations. However, there are some minor errors.
although there are several omissions/errors. It is clear that an attempt at APA style has been made.
not cited at all throughout the literature review.
The reference list was presented in the correct APA reference style 4%
Consistent and correct use of APA 6th edition format was used for all references within the reference list.
Mostly consistent and correct use of APA 6th edition format was used within the reference list. However, there are some minor errors.
A fairly consistent use of APA 6th edition guidelines was used within the reference list, although there are numerous errors. It is clear that an attempt at APA style has been made.
Correct APA 6th edition guidelines has been used very inconsistently in the reference list.
No identification of APA 6th edition requirements can be identified in the reference list.
Presentation (10%)
Adherence to APA style 5%
Consistently conforms to APA 6th edition style of presentation, and follows all requirements regarding APA style in the text.
Conforms to APA 6th edition style of presentation and APA style in the text. A few minor errors may be apparent.
Clearly attempted to conform to APA 6th edition style of presentation, but there were some errors present AND/OR errors regarding the requirements of APA style in the text.
APA 6th edition adherence needs improvement. The attempt does not represent a clear understanding of APA 6th edition requirements.
No identification of adherence to APA 6th edition of presentation requirements.
Writing skills were used in a competent manner (Spelling, punctuation and grammar)
Consistently demonstrates accurate and appropriate paragraph structure, with no punctuation, spelling or grammatical errors.
Demonstrates accurate and appropriate paragraph structure most of the time, with occasional punctuation, spelling or grammatical errors.
Meaning is apparent, but language is not always fluent. Some paragraph structure, punctuation, spelling and grammatical errors are apparent.
Meaning is unclear or difficult to discern, and/or multiple punctuation, spelling and grammatical errors.
The meaning/context of the literature review is very difficult to follow due to a lack of clear and concise language. Referral
Psychology 102 (4310) Literature Review Marking Rubric Guide
5% to Study Skills is required to develop tertiary writing skills.
Penalties Kept to the word limit
Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Late submission, without an extension
No No No No Yes

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