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Author Archives: admin

Criminal Investigation

Criminal Investigation You are a detective called to the scene of a homicide in an apartment building. The deceased is a young male who has been stabbed numerous times. The roommate of the deceased man is present in the room, his shirt is covered with blood, and there is a knife on the floor. Uniformed officers are guarding the doors ...

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Problem Solving

Problem Solving Order Description Scenario 1: You have worked at your company for eleven (11) years. You have returned to college to earn a Bachelor’s degree in order to increase your chances for a promotion. You are nearly finished with your degree, when a supervisor’s position in a competing company becomes available in another state. The start date is in ...

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Religion Explain, in no more than one page, the current practice of religious holidays in a secular, yet culturally and religiously diverse South Africa, focussing on the main holy days of Christianity.

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“Raging Hormones”

“Raging Hormones” Read the following then give your opinion in a response. “Raging Hormones”-Schalet, pages 81-101 RISMAN: Ch. 17 Why is everyone afraid of sex? (Schwartz) RISMAN: Ch. 18 First Comes Love, Then Comes Herpes (Nack)

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Financal statements & analysis of a report

Financal statements & analysis of a report QUESTION 1: Simplified financial statements for Nigel plc are: Income statement for the year ended 30 September 2011 £m Revenue 290.0 Cost of sales (215.0) Gross profit 75.0 Operating expenses (Note 1) (62.0) Operating profit 13.0 Interest payable (Note 2) (3.0) Profit before taxation 10.0 Taxation (2.6) Profit for the year 7.4 Statement ...

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Week 7 Discussion

Week 7 Discussion –content– Read these articles, then scroll below for the questions to answer for this discussion:(1) America Needs Labor Unionshttp://www.huffingtonpost.com/dale-hansen/america-needs-labor-union_b_6930794.htmlby Dale Hunsen – March 24, 2015(2) Obama Rejects Republican Bid to Overturn New Union Ruleshttp://www.nytimes.com/2015/04/01/us/obama-rejects-republican-effort-to-tighten-union-rules.html?ref=topicsby Peter Baker – March 31, 2015(3) Go to the internet and find other articles that discusses labor union formation and activity.You are expected ...

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Determinism Deterrninism holds that all human actions are determined by actions outside of our control, and therefore that we are not really free- Please explain the theory of deterrninsim- How does the libertarian respond to the deterrninist? Which position do you believe is correct?

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poverty and welfare

poverty and welfare 1.Explain the relationship between poverty and welfare. 2. Explain the meaning of poverty and assess the difference between absolute and relative poverty. 3. Analyse the main findings of the Beveridge Report and assess the impact that these have had on the establishing of the modern welfare state

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Assignment 3: Challenges in Identifying Mental Disorder

Assignment 3: Challenges in Identifying Mental Disorders Most mental disorders lie on a continuum with “normal” behavior at one end. For example, nearly everyone has a fear of something, but it does not rise to the level of a phobia. A behavior may seem abnormal in one context but completely normal in another context. These two aspects show why it ...

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