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Author Archives: admin

Critical thinking

Critical thinking Respond to one of the essay prompts below: 1. Classical criminology placed great emphasis on punishment being a deterrent to criminal behavior. Is that the belief of the criminal justice system? Do we punish known offenders to deter them or society from wanting to commit crime? Or is there another purpose for punishment? Beccaria and Bentham indicated the ...

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Criminal Law

Criminal Law Order Description Read the following facts and discuss the criminal liability of Naveed, Peter, PC Patel or the doctor for the death of Betty. Naveed offered Betty a lift home after a dance. He was feeling angry because Betty had been spreading rumours about him. During the journey he shouted that he was going to break her neck ...

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Schizophrenia Description: Research a mental health condition to attain an understanding of some of the disorders a service user accessing a mental health service may present with- This is Part Two of my assignment: (900 words) – Describe the biomedical model and the biopsychosocial model with use of relevant references- Hypothetically place youself in the position of the person with ...

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Qualitative Research

Qualitative Research Based on you initial understanding of qualitative research, post a description of the topic you chose in terms of how it could be conceptualized as a qualitative study- Include: 1- What is the phenomenon of interest? 2- What experiences or contextual issues might influence how this phenomenon could be studied? 3. In what setting(s) could a topic like ...

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Qualitative Reasoning & Analysis: Qualitative Research

Qualitative Reasoning & Analysis: Qualitative Research Consider the statement: “Qualitative researchers study people in their natual settings, attempting to make sense of phenomena in terms of the meanings people bring to them”- Using academic sou’oes you found, expand on this simple statement- In 3-4 paragraphs, explain several dimensions of this paradigm that make qualitative research interesting and unique-

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Converting Conventional Banks into Islamic Banking System in the State of Kuwait

Converting Conventional Banks into Islamic Banking System in the State of Kuwait Write a research paper discussing the cases of converting conventional banks into Islamic system banks in the state of Kuwait. 1- examine the performance of Islamic and conventional banks in the Arabian gulf region in general and Kuwait in specific. 2- explore the reasons and elements leading to ...

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Multi choice questions on topical issues

Multi choice questions on topical issues 1. Which one of the following is NOT true about OS’s kernel? 2013: 2014: 17. Which one of the following is NOT TRUE about an OS’s kernel? a. Kernel is located between software applications and shells b. Kernel is the lowest level of software in the OS c. Kernel communicates with shells and hardware ...

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Identifying Potential Risk, Response, and Recovery

Identifying Potential Risk, Response, and Recovery a videogame development company recently hired you as an Information Secuity Engineer. After viewing a growing number of reports detailing malicious activity, the 010 requested that you craft a report in which you identify potential malicious attacks and threats specific to you organization- She asked you to include a brief explanation of each item ...

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Hiring a Diverse Workforce

Hiring a Diverse Workforce Imagine that you are the HR Director at your current organization or an organization with which you are familiar. As the HR Director, you must use different employment law requirements to create methods and policies that support the promotion of a diverse workforce. Select one (1) job opportunity that you have held or with which you ...

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