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Author Archives: admin

Obama and Socialized Medicine

Obama and Socialized Medicine Choose 1 topic area from the list below. Special permission to choose and write on a topic not included on the list may be secured from the instructor of the class. Area 2 topics require the analysis of conflict by applying theory to a particular situation. Your interaction paper should: 1. Define the context of the ...

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I have a dream of Martin luther King

I have a dream of Martin luther King Choose one argument from the historic American or global works listed in the “Supplemental Readings” section of the course lessons. Decide whether this argument is successful or not. If you decide this essay is successful, discuss why

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Scientific Theories

Scientific Theories While scientist widely agree about scientific theories a number of scientific theories are questioned by members ofthe general public, government, and media. For this assignment you must find a publication discussing a scientific theory and why there is controversy around it. Prepare a one paragraph summary ofthe article using your own words AND provide a one paragraph explanation ...

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Taxation law

Taxation law PROBLEM Mr. Smith is a computer consultant who for many years worked for a company in Melbourne deriving an annual salary of over $100,000. In 1984 he purchased a large parcel of land approximately 50 kilometers from the city. The purpose of the purchase was to provide his young family with the advantages of growing up in a ...

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The Affordable Care Act and obesity concerns for Americans

The Affordable Care Act and obesity concerns for Americans One of the stated goals of the Affordable Care Act is to make preventive care more accessible and affordable for many Americans. Choose a specific provision of the Affordable Care Act (and make sure to be clear about the provision you’ve chosen – for example, don’t simply say “birth control” because ...

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persuasive educational

persuasive educational An effective presentation requires careful preparation. In this task, you’ll complete a plan for an informative or persuasive presentation. Your presentation should address an academically oriented research topic. Your preparation should include researching your chosen topic, planning for your intended audience, and creating an outline or other plan for your presentation. Requirements: A. Write a rationale (suggested length ...

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Introductory macroeconomics

Introductory macroeconomics You are required to answer ALL questions below. Question 1 (625 words) Discuss the main problems associated with using GDP as a measurement of economic well-being. Question 2 (625 words) Recentl?, the FairWork Ombudsman changed the penalty rates and allowances in the Hospitality, Restaurant, Fast Food, Retail and Pharmacy Awards (https://www.fairwork.gov.au/pay/penalty-rates-and-allowances). Whilst diverse views on this topical issue ...

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Employment Discrimination

Employment Discrimination Project Part 1: Answer each of the following 8 questions, in 1-2 paragraphs each. You can use your textbook, or other outside sources to answer these questions. Do not write a book – answer the questions succinctly. 1. What must a person who is claiming they were harassed in the workplace allege in order to first state a ...

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