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Author Archives: admin

International and global marketing

  1. Create a brand of your own. The brand can be of any product or service. Define the name, logo and slogan for your fictional brand. 2. Research the marketability of your fictional brand at the global scale. Determine the global competition, distribution networks, and methods of pricing and promoting your brand. 3. Propose and design a global marketing ...

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Interview with a teacher or administrator

Interview with a teacher or administrator Interview with a teacher or administrator – Suggested topics for interview include: 0 Challenges ofteaching 0 School mission 0 Lesson planning 0 Classroom management 0 Family involvement 0 Assessment Reflections

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Environmental studies

Environmental studies In a two-page essay, compare and contrast the federal and state guidelines or requirements for building evacuations (preparation of and conducting), with those of any applicable NFPA requirement/standard.

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Compensation Purpose and Strategy

Compensation Purpose and Strategy choose a compensation philosophy that is appropriate for your chosen firm and articulate a rationale for this selection. There are two aspects to this assignment. First, describe the risks and benefits with leading, meeting, and lagging the market in overall compensation and benefits. Next, choose the appropriate strategy (lead, meet, or lag) for your firm, and ...

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Capital Market Efficiency

Capital Market Efficiency Explain in 525 words what it means to have efficient capital market, including: -Describe the behavioral challenges in achieving efficiency. Discuss the three forms of market efficiency. -What are the implications to corporate finance? -Would you consider the real estate market an efficient capital market? Please explain why or why not.

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Environmental studies

Environmental studies PowerPoint Presentation You have been invited to present to a group ofworking adults who have identified themselves as potential candidates for the safety profession. Prepare a PowerPoint presentation consisting of eight slides (not counting the title and reference slides) that depicts the history of the safety professional (then and now) and the prevailing theories of accident causation. Ensure ...

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Corporal Punishment: Abuse or Discipline

Corporal Punishment: Abuse or Discipline “Corporal punishment: abuse or discipline?” Keep in mind, however, that your topic must have two sides for debate. Review available academic and contemporary literature looking at all sides ofthe issue. This may include obtaining information from reliable news sources, reliable web sites or books, or obtaining information from a peer-reviewed journal. Then explain and defend ...

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Economics Develop a narrowly defined research question that focuses on the economics ofthe issue. Provide an analysis ofthe changes in the market for marijuana where it has become legal. What social costs are affected by legalization? Paper details: Conduct research on your topic using at least two sources. Write a Research Paper with a Body length of 2-3 pages using ...

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