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Author Archives: admin

Corporate social responsibility strategy

Corporate social responsibility strategy Using key themes from this module, you need to critically review the corporate social responsibility strategy for one of the companies from the following list: For the purpose of this assignment, you may choose to assess the CSR policies of any ONE corporation of your choice 1. Disney 2. Lego 3. Benson & Hedges 4. HSBC ...

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Law, Government & Justice

Law, Government & Justice Background and instructions: In October 2014, the Abbott government introduced a Bill into the federal Parliament which later established a mandatory metadata retention regime. An inquiry into the Bill was undertaken by the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security (PJCIS). The retention of metadata remains a controversial topic, as it pits the needs of police ...

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Management Business managers are confronted on a daily basis with decisions regarding the use of real, personal, and intellectual property, and the rights and duties existing with relation to these property rights while at work. Add cybercrime, cyber piracy, and international business operations to this equation, and the manager is left with much to consider when evaluating the legal risks ...

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Business Decision Making & Analysis

Business Decision Making & Analysis A company has to decide whether to invest money in the development of a microbiological product. The company’s research director has estimated that there is a 60% chance that a successful development could be achieved in 2 years. However, if the product had not been successfully developed at the end of this period, the company ...

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Exegesis intro

Exegesis intro Order Description Write a exegesis research paper • Nehemiah 1:5–11 include the following sections: Introduction, Context, Meaning, Significance, and Conclusion. Perfection in the implementation of current Turabian format will be mandatory. The sources must be current and scholarly (not popular treatments written by Christian celebrities).

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Drug Dosing

Drug Dosing Systemic Clearance Extended Calculation A pharmaceutical company is developing a new drug ‘FCP-17’ and has just determined the following pharmacokinetic parameters from a Phase I human study: Fraction unbound (fu): 0.5 Clearance by active secretion (CLsec): 5.4L/hr Fraction reabsorbed (FR): 0.2 Hepatic Extraction Ratio (EH): 0.1 Question: Showing all working out, and stating all assumptions, Calculate the total ...

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Interpersonal communication conflict

Interpersonal communication conflict Description of Event I was starting my shift on the ward from 2.30 pm and during handover the nurses on duty were explaining that one patient said ‘he had had enough’ and then proceeded to walk out of the ward by himself. He did come back and started complaining that the day shift nurses had been ignoring ...

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Crime and Deviance

Crime and Deviance STEP 1: Select only ONE question from the options detailed below in order to research and write your Annotated Bibliography. 1. Are crime and deviance always bad for society? Discuss using concepts from TWO theoretical frameworks covered in the unit. 2. Choose ONE of the following areas of policing, and using concepts from TWO theoretical frameworks covered ...

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