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Author Archives: admin

Remedial massage treatment regime o an orthopedic condition

Remedial massage treatment regime o an orthopedic condition Description: Develop an appropriate remedial massage treatment regime on an orthopedic condition- Orthopedic Condition: Plantar fasciitis Assessment needs to contain -appropriate massage treatment regime -use appropriate anatomical terms -provide information about alternative treatments

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Develop a quantitative research

Develop a quantitative research Description: Develop a questionnaire to be used to answer the research aim question developed based on the Victorian Public Health and Wellbeing Plan priority area. The Victorian Public Health and Wellbeing Plan priority area is: Reducing harmful alcohol and dug use- The research question is: Is there a relationship between area of geographic residence and alcohol ...

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The Ahead of the Game: Reform of Australian Government report

The Ahead of the Game: Reform of Australian Government report The Ahead of the Game: Reform of Australian Government Administration report released in 2010 highlights the need to strengthen strategic policy capacity. What failures or perceived shortfalls might have motivated this recommendation? Is this a uniquely Australian problem or are such concerns more widespread?

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concepts of nation, power and difference

concepts of nation, power and difference. Order Description QUESTIONS 1. What does it mean to think about nations as “Imagined communities”? (Anderson, Bennett, Williams) 2. It is possible to think about the concept of nation without understanding and critiquing dominant discourses of race/class/gender/sexuality? (Griffin, Ken, hooks) 3. What does slavery have to do with the formation of nations and identity ...

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Create A Marketing Product

Create A Marketing Product Marketing managers for global organizations are often asked to evaluate the feasibility of new products and services and predict their profitability for the organization. For this task, you will select a business that would like to develop new products and services in order to attain a competitive advantage in the global market. You willfirst consider the ...

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Cost of tomatoes set to rise after Debbie damage

Cost of tomatoes set to rise after Debbie damage a. Assuming tomatoes are sold in a purely competitive market, discuss other major factors contributing to increase price of tomatoes in Australia. In your answer, include appropriately labelled demand and supply curves to explain the process of moving to the new equilibrium output and price. 10 marks b. Explain the concept ...

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Effect of Debt Issuance on Stock Valuation

Effect of Debt Issuance on Stock Valuation Hightower, Inc. plans to announce itwill issue $2.0 million of perpetual debt and use the proceeds to repurchase common stock. The bonds will sell at par with a coupon rate of 596. Hightower, Inc. is currently an all-equity company worth $7.5 million with QOo,000 shares of common stock outstanding. After the sale ofthe ...

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Statistics in society

Statistics in society 1) In a case-control study of a particular cancer, 166 cancer patients and a matched sample of 166 healthy controls were each classified as having high or low exposure to air pollution. The following table shows the results. Case Control High exposure 80 44 Low exposure 86 122 Calculate a 9970 confidence interval for the odds ratio ...

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Health Promotion Presentation

Health Promotion Presentation 1) Develop a 12-15 slide PowerPoint presentation that addresses a childhood disease or illness (infectious, noncontiguous, or congenital) seen in the adult population. a) Examples of such diseases include: i) Sickle cell an

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