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Contemporary psychological approaches to prevention and treatment of harmful substances in relation to Legislation debate.

Order Description Task In the Reagan Administration’s ‘War on Drugs’, $702.8 million in the United States of America was re-allocated away from drug research, prevention and treatment, and funneled into hard line law enforcement. Subsequently, both research and treatment facilities cried out for increased funding to combat escalating levels of substance use and newly developed ‘designer drugs’, whilst marijuana production ...

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operations and supply chain management

Order Description full instruction in attachment, require 50% work upload on 4 May. there is a Excel based calculation of EHC’s ingredient stock, please follow a guide video to do the calculation, and important ideas must consistent with lecture notes, make sure each part in instructions has been followed. (all the given material must read in order to keep you ...

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Virtual Police Department

Order Description Note: Background information on the Virtual Police Department for the final project is found in Course Content. The assignment is to read the document in the course syllabus labeled “Virtual P D Case Study.” This document describes The Virtual Police Department, medium-sized police department with an average amount of crime. You will write a 7-10-page report (cover page ...

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answer the following questions about “Consider the Lobster” and “Lifelike” in one well-developed essay:

Order Description answer the following questions about “Consider the Lobster” and “Lifelike” in one well-developed essay: 1) What is the predominent writing style used in each essay? 2) What are some other writing styles used within the essay? (essay; max. 1100 words) Refer to the writing styles mentioned in Thomas and Turner’s Clear and Simple as the Truth. Use specific ...

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Analyze and appraise the articles

Order Description Write a paper in which you analyze and appraise each of the (15) articles provided. Pay particular attention to evidence that supports the problem, issue, or deficit, and your proposed solution. Identified a theory that can be used to support proposed solution. Problem: the lack of qualified personnel to handle premature babies and the lack of education of ...

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A One-Day Project Management Training Programme for Level 6 Undergraduate Students;

SCENARIO Mr Big from Smart Ideas Ltd (the Client) has approached your organisation Project Management Ltd (PML) with an exciting consultancy assignment, namely to plan and cost out a one day project management training programme.  Your consultancy considers this assignment as a golden opportunity to enter a growth market of education planning and management. The project is currently in the ...

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project management

using WBS, OBS, RBS,CBS and gantt charts, first part is academic, and based on project leadership, using journals, theories, case studies, PMI and APM. 2000 words the second part is the project, it is is a charity event, you can select any charity event, it needs a scoping statement, objective of the event, SMART, deliverables – tent, marquis, caterers, limits ...

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Evaluataion report;

Assignment Length: 3400 words You are required to evaluate a specific language learning website (containing language learning activities and exercises) and write a report on the evaluation of the website. http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/ You should conduct a systematic evaluation of the website with your knowledge of evaluation methods and instruments and write a report describing the strengths and weaknesses of the website ...

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The Sacred Paths of the East

Place bid Unhide order Order Description Text Book: The Sacred Paths of the East, Third Edition by Theodore M. Ludwig. I want you to write a one page summary of each chapter in the book. there is 17 chapters in the book marked from 1 to 17. Thanks! TO GET YOUR ASSIGNMENTS DONE AT A CHEAPER PRICE,PLACE YOUR ORDER WITH ...

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