Pretrial Procedures -content– Assume a law enforcement officer has probable cause to arrest a defendant for armed assault, and he also has probable cause to believe that the person is hiding in a third person’s garage, which is attached to the house. What warrants, if any, does the officer need to enter the garage to arrest the defendant? What if the officer is in hot pursuit of the defendant? What if the defendant is known to be injured and unarmed? Provide evidence to support your answer. Formulate a set of circumstances in which there is probable cause to search but not probable cause to arrest or in which there is probable cause to both arrest and to search. Mr. A walks into a police station, drops three wristwatches on a table, and tells an officer that Mr. B robbed a local jewelry store 2 weeks ago. Mr. A will not say anything else in response to police questioning. A quick investigation reveals that the three watches were among a number of items stolen in the jewelry store robbery. Do the police have probable cause to do any or all of the following? Arrest Mr. A Arrest Mr. B Search Mr. A’s home Search Mr. B’s home If you answered no to any of the above, explain why in detail. If you answered yes to any of them, draft the complaint or affidavit for a warrant or explain why a warrant is not needed. PLACE THIS ORDER OR A SIMILAR ORDER WITH US TODAY AND GET A GOOD DISCOUNT Read More »
Healthcare system -content– One of the most criticized areas in the United States is the healthcare system. Lack of accessibility and affordability are of major concern. Many American’s site the success of universal healthcare in countries such as Canada and the United Kingdom; however, others point out the financial strain, long wait times, and high tax rates associated with Universal Healthcare Plans. Taking into account all you have learned about healthcare systems, how would you describe an IDEAL healthcare system for the United States? Be realistic. How would it be structured? How would it be funded? How would people qualify for healthcare… would it be automatic upon birth or would people still need to register for service? Would care be totally free or would there be co-payments associated with care? Would preventative care be required to maintain benefits, or would individuals get to choose if and when they went to the doctor? How would you ensure there would be enough providers for the 300 million people in the U.S.? You may wonder how if our politicians cannot get it right, how you can figure it out, but the goal here is to recognize that as healthcare professionals we must work together to create a functioning healthcare system. There is no single system in the world without flaw, but with the common goal of doing what is best, we can set goals and objectives to improve healthcare in the United States. PLACE THIS ORDER OR A SIMILAR ORDER WITH US TODAY AND GET A GOOD DISCOUNT Read More »
Industrial and organizational psychology -content– Explain how Affirmative Action influenced the workforce and changed the modern workplace. Explain how the contemporary workforce differs from the work force prior to affirmative action. What are the differences in the core values of employers and employees between then and now?Are these differences a result of the more diverse workplace? Is Affirmative Action synonymous with Affirming Diversity in the work place? Does a more diverse workplace translate into a more effective workplace? Does a more diverse workplace instill tolerance and understanding of different cultures in individuals, or does it lead to conflict and poor performance? Why or why not? PLACE THIS ORDER OR A SIMILAR ORDER WITH US TODAY AND GET A GOOD DISCOUNT Read More »
BUSINESS -content– Time and money are key considerations for any project, or any endeavor for that matter. In reference to scheduling when planning a project, we need to define the activities and the sequence of activities, and then estimate the activity resources and durations – the length of time these activities should take. We should also estimate the costs and determine the budget. Consider the concept of the critical path. The critical path combines the project activity network (the order of activities from start to finish) with the estimated time it takes to complete each activity. Sequence of activities is important – in what order are these activities to be performed? This project network helps determine how long the project will take, from start to finish. This time factor plays an important role when we calculate the labor and resources needed. Identify your project and provide a brief scope statement. Develop a set of activities necessary to accomplish this project. Place these activities in order in a precedence manner to create sequential logic. Show predecessor and successor activities. Identify any material and labor needs for this project. Are any special considerations needed such as subcontractors, travel or equipment? Explain how you would go about preparing a budget for this project. PLACE THIS ORDER OR A SIMILAR ORDER WITH US TODAY AND GET A GOOD DISCOUNT Read More »
Discussion -content– Prenatal and infant development is a particularly delicate and formative period of the life span. When genetic and environmental factors are good, the beginning stages of life can provide a solid foundation for later development. If hazards or risk factors exist, the development of the fetus or infant as well as the infant–parent bond can be greatly affected. Discuss what steps can be taken to promote optimal development during prenatal, birth, and postpartum periods and examine individual differences between heredity and environment that may occur. What resources are available to expectant mothers to promote healthy early development? Consider both widely available resources (such as national programs) and those in your own community. PLACE THIS ORDER OR A SIMILAR ORDER WITH US TODAY AND GET A GOOD DISCOUNT Read More »
Information Systems in Business -content– True or False Questions: 1) Business processes are logically related tasks for accomplishing tasks that have been formally encoded by an organization. (1.5 POINTS) 2) Two computers using TCP/IP can communicate even if they are based on different hardware and software platforms. (1.5 POINTS) 3) A DBMS separates the logical and physical views of data. (1.5 POINTS) 4) A Skype conference call using VOIP and webcams is an example of a remote, synchronous collaboration tool. (1.5 POINTS) 5) Fiber-optic cable is more expensive and harder to install than wire media. (1.5 POINTS) 6) In general, the cost of hardware, software, and telecommunications for building and operating a Web site has fallen by over 50 percent since 2000. (1.5 POINTS) 7) Research has shown that only 25% of firms are able to align their information technology with their business goals. (1.5 POINTS) 8) A cookie is a small file containing information about you and your Web activities that is deposited on your hard disk by a Web site. (1.5 POINTS) 9) Protection for trade secrets is enforced at the federal level. (1.5 POINTS) 10) N-tier computing is a multi-tier, load-balancing scheme for Web-based applications in which significant parts of Web site content, logic, and processing are performed by smaller, less expensive servers located nearby the user. (1.5 POINTS) Short Answer Questions: 11) A Web interface used to present integrated personalized business content to users is called a(n) ________. (1.5 POINTS) 12) A(n) ________ is a system that provides tools for the management of various types of employee education and training. (1.5 POINTS) 13) A(n) ________ is software that handles all application operations between browser-based computers and a company’s back-end business applications or databases. (1.5 POINTS) 14) An online arena in which participants bet on specific outcomes of popular events, such as elections or designs for a new product, is called a(n) ________. (1.5 POINTS) 15) The moral dimension of ________ is concerned with the standards that data and systems should achieve in order to protect individual rights and the safety of society. (1.5 POINTS) 16) Data ________ describes a situation in which the same attribute of a data entity may have different values. (1.5 POINTS) 17) ________ seeks to enhance human perception by combining a live direct view of the physical world with computer-generated images. (1.5 POINTS) 18) ________ is permission given with knowledge of all the facts needed to make a rational decision. (1.5 POINTS) Essay Questions: 38) List three organizational factors that can prevent a firm from fully realizing the benefits of a new information system, and provide examples for each. (3.5 POINTS) 39) You have been hired by a small new Web design firm to set up a network for its single office location. The network is primarily needed for exchanging files, accessing and managing beta Web sites on their Web server, and connecting to the Internet. The firm hires many freelancers who come into the office on an ad-hoc basis and it does not have a lot of money to spend on infrastructure. What type of network will you recommend? (3.5 POINTS) 40) What is the difference between information technology and information systems? Describe some of the functions of information systems. (3.5 POINTS) 41) List and describe three main capabilities or tools of a DBMS. (3.5 POINTS) 42) What is the difference between a neural network, fuzzy logic, and genetic algorithms? Which would be most useful to an organization of astronomers analyzing gamma ray emissions reaching Earth? (3.5 POINTS) 43) Blogs, wikis, and social networking sites were designed for individuals to communicate with each other. What uses do businesses have for these tools? Give specific examples. (3.0 POINTS) 44) What is the most profound way in which e-commerce and the Internet have changed the relationship between companies and their customers? Support your answer. (3.5 POINTS) 45) Define the basic concepts of responsibility, accountability, and liability as applied to ethical decisions. How are these concepts related? (3.5 POINTS) 46) List and describe the five moral dimensions that are involved in political, social, and ethical issues. Which do you think will be the most difficult for society to deal with? Support your opinion. (3.5 POINTS) 47) Briefly explain why corporations are increasingly interested in using Unix or Linux for their operating system. (3.0 POINTS) 48) List and define the six ethical principles discussed in your text. (3.5 POINTS) 49) List and describe the seven major components of IT infrastructure. (3.5 POINTS) 50) Why are knowledge workers so important to the digital firm? What are their functions and which of these do you feel is most critical to the success of the firm? Why? (3.5 POINTS) PLACE THIS ORDER OR A SIMILAR ORDER WITH US TODAY AND GET A GOOD DISCOUNT Read More »
BUSINESS -content– Article: Wayward Airbus Airbus was faced with one of the “costliest blunders in the history of commercial aviation” due to issues with wiring compatibility. Although the problem appeared to be isolated to an engineering flaw, it was in fact much deeper. Over the years, Airbus had become a company deeply divided across geo-political lines. The firm had capitalized on this political landscape during its early years; benefiting from tax breaks and other incentives provided by various European governments. However, it created a somewhat decentralized production model which led to territorial infighting between different manufacturing facilities located throughout Europe. The problems within Airbus demonstrated how coalitions can decrease productivity and efficiency. Communication between factions had completed broken down. For example, whereas one production facility had modernized its modeling software, other facilities had fallen behind and were using older versions which caused compatibility issues between hardware components. As noted, the debacle exposed a bigger issue at Airbus. Despite political boundaries, executives must implement consistent systems and policies and strive to promote a unified workforce. Managers must also learn to trust, listen and sometimes accept the advice of their employees. Better analytics and systems integration can also help to mitigate production problems. Arguably, Airbus’ greatest asset was its political diversification and its influence on market forces. Concerned stakeholders within governments and the airline industry were not willing to allow Airbus to fail over the costly wiring debacle. The company was indeed fortunate that they are the only other competitor to Boeing. Supporters believe that Airbus helps to advance the airline industry by fostering innovation and efficiency that ultimately benefits government, airline services and the consumer. Questions: What are some ways to reduce the silo effect created by incompatible software systems? How can processes become more centralized in a company driven by public-private partnership? Is it appropriate for governments to bail out large companies in order to keep market forces in check? Article: The Seasoned Executive’s Decision Making Style Top-level executives are always learning and evolving in their ability to make key decisions. There are four styles of decision making: decisive, flexible, hierarchic and integrative. Decisive people value “action, speed, efficiency and consistency”. They stick to a plan and value the characteristics of honesty, loyalty and clarity. Those who adhere to a flexible style are distinguished by their adaptability. When faced with a problem, flexible decision makers will gather enough new data to mount an attack and change direction. Hierarchic decision makers are known for their analytical behavior. They gather a great deal of information before making decisions and will “readily challenge other’s views”. Integrative decision makers use a broad range of techniques to determine solutions to problems. They take into account multiple elements which usually result in multiple courses of action. Most managers don’t fall into just one category and seasoned ones will generally develop their own style based on pieces of each category. Successful leaders will completely change beliefs/styles from the start of their careers as line managers all the way up to the highest-ranking positions. As one moves up the ladder, they generally will move further away from the action. This makes it easy to lose touch with what’s truly going on within the organization. One of the most important characteristics of successful management require is to maintain an open communication style with subordinates. This provides a top-level executive with the information they need to make the most well-informed decisions. Of utmost concern to managers is the importance of evolving throughout one’s career. Failing in this area can be “fatal to one’s career”. It is critical not to revert to lower level management styles as you move up through the ranks. A senior executive who acts like a line manager, micro-managing every phase of the work, will not succeed. Understanding how to trust, train and engage lower-level managers is paramount to executive success. Questions: What are some common mistakes made by upper level managers? What decision-making style would you use? How can managers reduce uncertainty and remain “in-touch” with operations at lower-levels of the organization. PLACE THIS ORDER OR A SIMILAR ORDER WITH US TODAY AND GET A GOOD DISCOUNT Read More »
Economic System Effectiveness -content– Imagine you own a company and could choose the type of economic system your country uses. Create a 1,050-word comparison paper including: Compare the different economic systems. Explain which economic system you would select. Include least two (2) sources within the body of your work. PLACE THIS ORDER OR A SIMILAR ORDER WITH US TODAY AND GET A GOOD DISCOUNT Read More »
Science -content– 1.Explain why the belief in the possibility of unlimited growth must give way to a new paradigm, if we are to live well in the Anthropocene. Include an explanation of why programs to bring the poor up to the levels of profligacy enjoyed by the rich are impossible. 2. Compare and Contrast the “Respect Nature”, “Ownership and Control of Environments”, and “Landscapes in the Service of Remote Consumers” paradigms. In your response, be certain to include: The effects on the environment of each paradigm. The social justice and human equity implications of each paradigm. From a Human-Ecological perspective, what are the good and bad points of each paradigm 3. Discuss the problems of industrial commodification of food systems and the solutions to those problems. Explain how engaged ecological citizens, who are prepared to demand local sustainable food systems, could extend relevant ethical principles and standards to distant lands and remote land managers and have expectations that the systems of production that supply them are also just and sustainable. 4.Discuss the need for modern society to shift to a paradigm of Sufficiency, within which just and sustainable wellbeing for all of creation becomes the norm. How can this be achieved on an Earth That Is Full? Include consideration of both ecological, and social and environmental justice and human equity issues. PLACE THIS ORDER OR A SIMILAR ORDER WITH US TODAY AND GET A GOOD DISCOUNT Read More »
Domino’s Pizza Evaluation Case Study -content– Scenario: Domino’s Pizza is interested in determining whether or not a new employee could learn how to make a pizza using a computer/based training method (CD-ROM). The CD-ROM application addresses the proper procedure for massaging pizza dough and stretching it to fit a 12-inch pizza pan. Domino’s quality standards emphasize the roundness of the pizza, an even border, and uniform thickness of the dough. Traditionally, on-the-job training has been used to teach new employees how to stretch the pizza dough to fit the pizza pan. Instructions: Answer the following three questions. Does anything in the presentation slides help with your evaluation process? What outcomes or criteria should Domino’s Pizza measure to determine if CD-ROM training is an effective method for teaching new employees how to stretch pizza dough to fit a 12- inch pan? Who would be involved in the training? Describe the evaluation design you would recommend to Domino’s Pizza to use to determine if CD-ROM training is more effective than on-the-job training. PLACE THIS ORDER OR A SIMILAR ORDER WITH US TODAY AND GET A GOOD DISCOUNT Read More »