Industrial Relations Task Critically evaluate how the perspectives of business, trade unions and the state have contributed to reform of industrial relations policy over the past decade. Drawing on the evidence utilised in your previous essay, analyse whether these industrial relations reforms have achieved the stakeholders’ stated aims of improving competitiveness and productivity in the Australian economy? What gaps in ...
Read More »Essays
poverty and welfare
poverty and welfare 1.Explain the relationship between poverty and welfare. 2. Explain the meaning of poverty and assess the difference between absolute and relative poverty. 3. Analyse the main findings of the Beveridge Report and assess the impact that these have had on the establishing of the modern welfare state
Read More »Brief Christian Counseling Strategies for Married Couples
Brief Christian Counseling Strategies for Married Couples Write a research paper review and address the following main points: 1. The author’s description of Christian counseling as opposed to interfaith counseling, the expectation and fundamental basis of Christian counseling; 2. Outline of Brief pastoral counseling 3. Demonstrate from the author’s perspective basic theoretical, psychological and theological perspectives of Pastoral Counseling. 4. ...
ORAL PRESENTATION Step 1: Prepare your oral presentation • Prepare a 7 min presentation on one of the papers you listed in the article matrix assessment from Module 2. • In the oral presentation assignment you will discuss this paper in detail. Topic: Does exposure to media violence increase an individual’s likelihood of engaging in violent behaviour?
Read More »sociology
sociology Write an essay on one of the following questions bellow; 1) The Uniform Crime Report (UCR)- Chapter 7 (Deviance, Crime, and Social Control) describes several ways in which the Uniform Crime Report may present an inaccurate picture of the demographics of crime- Describe the sources of bias that lead to these inaccuracies- Are these biases better explained by conflict ...
Read More »Electromagnetic field
Electromagnetic field 1. Consider a wave travelling in free space of frequency 1MHZ with electric field component is given by the expression E ?_((z,t) )= ?20?^3 sin(?t-ßz) a ^_z N/C. For this wave calculate Propagation constant Attenuation factor c) Phase shift constant 2. An E.M. wave propagating in a free space has a phase shift constant ß=0.312 rad/m. The same ...
Read More »power point presentation on State’s environmental agency
power point presentation on State’s environmental agency Create a 5 slide power point presentation including Speaker’s Notes that discusses the following: Access your State’s environmental agency’s website by via this EPA link 1. What are some leading environmental health-risk factors in your State 2. Which environmental health risk do you believe has the greatest impact on health promotion throughout ...
Read More »Law Ethics
Law Ethics The responsibilities maintained by lawyers that are guided by laws that they must abide by. When issues arise, and precedent cases are to support this then lawyers must be guided by appropriate rules and still uphold their obligation and duty of ethic standards. To resolve ethical dilemmas generally and such dealings with clients must be done so appropriately. ...
Read More »sex crime and scandal
sex crime and scandal In what ways did war generate social anxieties and/or moral panics regarding sexuality on the home front? Select either World War 1 or World War 2 and focus on one specific issue: promiscuity, venereal disease, sex crimes or homosexuality.
Read More »Root Cause of medication errors in the Pediatric ICU
Root Cause of medication errors in the Pediatric ICU Introduce the topic/problem, the nature of the project, and potential positive social change implications of the doctoral project. Briefly identify the source of evidence that will be collected to meet the purpose of this project, and how they will be obtained. Briefly summarize the approach that will be used in this ...
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