Discussion 3 In Healey, et al., study Case Study 5 – The Power of Data: Osceola County Secures a Federally Qualified Health Center. Discuss the use of Mobilizing for Action through Planning and Partnerships (MAPP) in this case study. Did these professionals effectively use MAPP? Were there missed opportunities? How would you use MAPP as a leader of a health ...
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Evidence-Based Paper: Pharmacology in Nursing: “Hypertension”
See attached requirements and guidelines for the paper I was unable to upload the file with instructions, so below are the instructions, guidelines and requirements for the paper. Thanks very much!! Topic: Evidence-Based Paper: Pharmacology in Nursing: “Hypertension” The purpose of this assignment is to provide an opportunity for you to review an area of interest and apply the concepts ...
Read More »A Patient with Musculoskeletal Limitations Complicated by a Medical Illness
he M6A4: case study counts as 10% of your grade for this course. We suggest that you develop and outline and use the following time-line as your guide for completing your paper: Week 1: Review the requirements for the paper. Week 2: Begin developing an outline for your paper. Week 3: You should have your outline completed. Week 4: You ...
Read More »Community-Based Nursing Practice
Using the assigned readings and information from the literature, compose a response to the following: Discuss the required skills and competencies of a RN in the community setting. Do these differ from those required in an acute care setting? Explain your answer. The RN working in the community setting faces a number of challenges which include but are not limited ...
Read More »Focused Ear Exam
Martha brings her 11-year old grandson, James, to your clinic to have his right ear checked. He has complained to her about a mild earache for the past two days. His grandmother believes that he feels warm but did not verify this with a thermometer. James states that the pain was worse while he was falling asleep and that it ...
Read More »Incorporating Theory
My Topic: “central line associated blood stream infections” Identify a theory that can be used to support your proposed solution. Write a summary (250-500 words) in which you: 1. Describe the theory and your rationale for selecting the theory. 2. Discuss how the theory works to support your proposed solution. 3. Explain how you will incorporate the theory into your ...
Read More »Evidence-Based Practice, Step by Step: Asking the Clinical Question: A Key Step in Evidence-Based Practice
The PICOT statement will provide a framework for your capstone project (the project students must complete during their final course in the RN-BSN program of study). Review the PICOT article “Evidence-Based Practice, Step by Step: Asking the Clinical Question: A Key Step in Evidence-Based Practice” along with the “Chapter 18: Using Research in Evidence-Based Nursing Practice” PowerPoint resource. http://library.gcu.edu:2048/login?url=http://gateway.ovid.com.library.gcu.edu:2048/ovidweb.cgi?T=JS&CSC=Y&NEWS=N&PAGE=fulltext&AN=00000446-201003000-00028&LSLINK=80&D=ovft The ...
Read More »Coronary Artery Disease
The cardiovascular system is vital to the optimal performance of the body. We are constantly reminded the importance of looking after our bodies in a heart healthy way. These reminders come from patient encounters, family or self-experience, and/or multiple sources of advertisement. One would be hard pressed to say “I didn’t know”. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention provide ...
Read More »Cardiovascular Alterations
At least once a year, the media report on a seemingly healthy teenage athlete collapsing during a sports game and dying of heart complications. These incidents continue to outline the importance of physical exams and health screenings for teenagers, especially those who play sports. During these health screenings, examiners check for cardiovascular alterations such as heart murmurs because they can ...
Read More »Preparing a Concept Map
Prepare a Concept Map You may already be familiar with the mind-mapping, which is a visual presentation of information in which you have one general idea from which you branch off into multiple directions. It is a great way to brainstorm possible topics. Mind maps focus more on your thoughts regarding how things might relate. A concept map shares the ...
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