Question I am going to apply Quantitative Financial Economics.(MSC) Can you write a personal statement for me please. Please upload a personal statement, of approximately 500 words, in support of your application. You may wish to include some or all of the following points: Your reasons for choosing the programme. How the course fits in with your future career plans. ...
Read More »Uncategorized
Market Structures
Explain why in competitive markets there can be profit or producer surplus in the short run but not the long run. Include the idea of “economic rent” for exceptionally productive inputs. Then imagine a firm with the same cost structure but in each of the four very distinct market structures: (1) Purely Competitive, (2) Monopolistically Competitive, (3) Oligopoly, and (4) ...
Read More »HR Manager
You are an HR Manager in the same organization as this sales employee and his manager. Right after the employee left his manager’s office, he came straight to you, upset with what occurred. He does not want to lose his job. You see the issue as a communications issue between a boss and his employee and you promise the employee ...
Read More »Operations Management (OM) –content Operations Management (OM) is an important aspect of business (Slack et al, 2010; Greasely, 2013; Patton et al, 2011). Both service and manufacturing organisations use OM to ensure they are competitive and assist in providing and maintaining good levels of customer service (Johnson et al, 2012). Developing a system of an organisations operation can be advantageous both for both the customer and organisation (Bamford and Forrester, 2010). Subsequently, once a system has been developed and understood it should be possible to determine why the system works well, or not well, and to recommend possible production related improvements that will assist both parties concerned. Task In this assignment describe and analyse a production system (service or manufacturing based) with which you are familiar, for example: a shop, restaurant, transport system, doctor’s surgery are possible examples. Your tutor will give some guidance on your choice of organisation/case study. Your assignment should address the following questions: 1. How well are the inventories and assets of the organisation managed 2. Evaluate the importance of supply chain management to the organisation and illustrate in diagrammatic form. 3. From the illustration, in point two indicate where the organisation’s delivery system may fail to align between its performance objectives and clearly demonstrating your understanding behind this reasoning. 4. Discuss how the lean approach could be utilised in your organisation. 5. Draw key conclusion from your work discussing the extent to which an organisation has achieved alignment between its performance objectives and the configuration of its operational process. Format Your assignment should be in a report format, being clearly structured using headings, sub- headings etc. It is not necessary to include an executive summary at the beginning of the report. Your assignment should be presented using Times New Roman (TNR) 12 font, 1.5 line spacing, and it should be approximately 3,000 (+/- 10%) words in length. Your word count is from the introduction to conclusion sections. You must endeavour to use theory explicitly at all stages, but do not spend too much time describing a theory. While you must be explicit about the theories, models, techniques etc. that you use, you can assume that the reader is familiar with them. What the reader requires is evidence of your ability to understand and apply the theory, and learn from in order to support the development of your findings and/or ideas. You must cite all sources on which you have relied, for example textbooks, journal articles, web pages etc. using the Harvard Bibliographic referencing system. If you do not cite all sources, then you may be accused of plagiarism, and that may endanger your success in passing the module. If you are in any doubt about how to reference your work, please obtain guidance from the library and/or your academic librarian(s) for this module. Please do use diagrams, illustrations, tables, graphics etc. wherever these are helpful, and remember that these do not count towards your word limit. If you do use these, please do not put them in the appendices if they are part of your discussion. Appendices are the appropriate places to put supporting material, however, remember if the reader is satisfied with the main points of your discussion; the supporting information within the appendices may not even be reviewed. Marking Criteria Your assignment will be marked against the following criteria: 1. Evidence of your ability to use Operations Management (OM) theory in order to help you think in a critical way, and to develop an understanding of how key operational decisions are made in the company/case of your choice. 2. Evidence of your understanding of how different OM approaches could contribute to addressing the aim of your assignment. 3. Evidence of your understanding of the strengths and weaknesses inherent in various OM approaches to your company/case choice. 4. Evidence of your understanding of the limitations placed upon the OM options available to your chosen company/case. 5. Your ability to convey your conclusions and recommendations in a reasoned, supported and credible manner. 6. Accurate grammatical and economical use of English. A good presentation standard using the report format. Appropriate citation of sources using the Harvard Bibliographic Referencing System. The above criteria do not carry specific weightings. Your overall mark will represent a judgement of extent to which you have provided evidence that you have achieved the learning outcomes for the unit.
Corporate Governance–
APA is critical for this paper and the writer must pay attention to that , also the writer must clearly respond to all the 4 points mentioned in the questions . the writer must clearly indicate each point before responding. The primary goal of for-profit firms is to maximize shareholder wealth. It is extremely important in the study of finance ...
Read More »Factors Considered while Designing an Approach to Performance Management
Please write two parts,and each part about 550 words(use 10 references in each part).Each part has one question. 1.What factors would you take into account if you were designing an approach to performance management? 2.Interviewer:‘Some people say that being casual gives you flexibility…’ Employee Respondent:‘Crap! It doesn’t suit me at all. I’d much rather work full time.’ Reviewing the literature ...
Read More »Implementation & the Internal Business Process Perspective
Assignment Overview Any large-scale change endeavor requires a great deal of effort on the part of a given organization to implement. Implementing a corporate-wide BSC-based performance management system is no different. In implementing such a system, organizational leaders face the challenge of overcoming organizational inertia rooted in resistance to change. This is no easy challenge, and is one of the ...
Read More »Ethical Leadership
Guideline: • What is ethical leadership? Characteristics of ethical leadership… • Ethical leadership in organisations • How it creates an ethical workplace? • Discuss some other factors that create an ethical workplace and establish reasons why ethical leadership is the most important factor • Criticise ethical leadership and display the negative effects of it, and how it affects employees or ...
Read More »Leadership
Leadership is a social process, whereby an individual influences the behaviour of others without the use of threat or violence, and as suggested by Rollinson (2010, p.189) a leader can be defined as “someone who occupies a role which involves conforming to a set of behavioural norms and expectations emanating from followers, in return for which they confer upon the ...
Read More »Aging Workforce
•Analyze the aging workforce from a human resource professional perspective and discuss the added value of having an aging workforce when recruiting new talent. Also, what impact will an aging workforce have on an organization’s overall image? Based on your experiences and research, describe a “thriving” employer brand. •Show how specifically an HRM might determine whether or not there is ...
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