RESEARCH ESSAY: GUIDELINES Devise a thesis that incorporates your major or possible major. Focus on a particular point you’d like to examine WITHIN your major. For example, if your major is education you might explore the benefits of “common core” curriculum or how the internet influences the classroom. You should not tell me why you chose to major in education ...
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Nationally Accepted Quality Measures and Benchmarks in Various Practice Settings
The purpose of this discussion is to describe nationally accepted quality measures and benchmarks in the various practice settings. Please limit your PowerPoint presentation to 6 to 10 slides, excluding the opening slide and reference slide. Please include the following information: 1. Is the organization a regulatory agency or a professional organization? 2. What are quality measures the agency or ...
Read More »Violation of Employer Policy
Create 3 fictional scenarios in which an employer would have to deal with any of the following situations of employee poor behavior on the job, Substance Abuse, Sexual Harassment, Fighting, Work Family Conflicts, or Email (or Internet) abuse. For each case, provide details of the type of employer, the history or the worker at that company, the incident which arose, ...
Read More »Individual Business Report Brief: Opportunity Identification for Cement Australia
Opportunity Identification for Cement Australia You have been asked to prepare a concise report including an Internal Memorandum and Executive Summary to inform the CEO of Cement Australia for your strategic business unit (SBU). Please review the attached brief. The report should be no longer than 2000 words (excluding the Internal Memorandum, Executive Summary, a Table of Contents, and your ...
Read More »Well Street Investment Paper
Added on 23.01.2016 14:05 You have the opportunity to purchase a small mixed use property at 664 North Wells Street (the property actually includes 664, 666, 668, and 678 North Wells), in the heart of the River North district. You want to acquire this site and plan a development that will include high-rise residential above and retail/entertainment on the ground ...
Read More »Supplemental Interactive Media
Read Chapters 3 & 4 (files uploaded). Explore the supplemental interactive media, Health Care Financing. Research about how to do a SWOT analysis. A SWOT Analysis is a strategic planning assessment tool that provides helpful information in matching an organization’s resources and capabilities to its competitive environment by classifying internal factors (strengths and weaknesses) such as staffing, and the external ...
Read More »Advertisement
In a 1,200-1,500-word paper: Critique a TV or radio commercial, an Internet advertisement, or a print advertisement from a nonprofessional journal/magazine related to an FDA-regulated prescription drug for a gastrointestinal disorder. Critique a TV or radio commercial, an Internet advertisement, or a print advertisement from a nonprofessional journal/magazine related to a non-FDA-regulated over-the-counter medication/herbal for a gastrointestinal (GI) disorder. Include ...
Read More »Mathematical Derivations
What is the title/topic of your paper? Three-dimensional (3D) theoretical regular-shaped geometry-based stochastic model (RS-GBSM) Can you please describe your brief? As explained in attached, we need to calculate the path loss of ray emerging from the transmitter, reflecting by ellipsoid surface (scatterer (S)) and then collide the receiver through the distance between the transmitter and receiver, (d1) and (d2) ...
Read More »Teaching
I need an appropriate topic in Teaching. Brief: Method of Assessment: 8,000 word report on research enquiry (review of literature, discussion of available methods and outline of chosen methodology, description of findings, critical evaluation, discussion and conclusion). PLANNING THE WRITING OF YOUR REPORT. The headings below are just for guidance. You may well choose to adopt a different approach to ...
Read More »Sports Development
What is the topic of your paper? Topic: Sports Development: Developing equality for women in sport. An interpretive study Can you please describe your brief? I intend to prove that through the literature review that there has been a development of gender equality Within sport but there is still a lot That needs to be done for it to become ...
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