In this assignment you are expected to use EdgeCAM to generate 3-axis CNC tool path for the milling of the three-dimensional geometric model your group designed. The model and tool path are supposed to be used in the CNC lab sessions which will commence in Week 6. However, you can design a new model for the CNC lab if you ...
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The task
This assignment is designed to help you become critical consumers of evidence based nursing research. For this assignment you are asked to critically evaluate either a quantitative or a qualitative research report. There are steps you need to follow in this assignment are: 1. Select an appropriate peer-reviewed original research article within last five years (you may select the topic) ...
Read More »Tutorial Paper
In this instance, you may answer the question taking whatever position with which you feel comfortable (i.e. affirmative or negative). Critically answer the question and review each side of the debate, present an argument as to which side (if any) of the debate you support and why. Heritage and communities David Lowenthal (2006) has argued that heritage has become the ...
Read More »Tomlinson, C. (2003). Fulfilling the Promise of the Differentiated Classroom. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
Read Tomlinson, Fulfilling the Promise, Chapters 1-3 In Chapter 1 of our reading for this week, Tomlinson states: “. . .the philosophy of differentiation proposes that what we bring to school as learners matters in how we learn. Therefore, to teach most effectively, teachers must take into account who they are teaching as well as what they are teaching. The ...
Read More »MKTG 4411: Services Marketing 1
TRU Open Learning Assignment 2: Build a Services Blueprint This assignment examines Provider Gap 2 by evaluating the service design your chosen firm uses, whether standards are company- or customer-based, and the appropriateness of physical evidence used to create the servicescape. In Assignment 2, you will analyze Provider Gap 2 (not having the right service designs and standards—refer to Figure ...
Read More »Assignment: Based on your readings, explain how the concept of a warrior ethos has evolved in different cultures over the centuries.
Consider the following concepts as you develop your response: – Which aspects of the historical warrior ethos are the most relevant today? – Are there aspects of the historical warrior ethos that are no longer relevant or applicable in modern warfare?
Read More »Part 1 A) Analysis and Recommendations (approximately 2000 words plus any attachments)
1. You are to review the vision and mission statement of the company and analyse its internal and external environment. • Check that the organisational vision and mission are still current and that they inspire and energize; and help create a mental picture of where the organization is heading and are supported. Make any changes or refinements to the vision ...
Read More »Assignment 1: Course Project
Assignment 1: Course Project Introduction: Sometimes, the church in America lags “behind the times” in relating to current generations! We can fall into the trap of using “outdated methodology” to accomplish current vision, mission, and values. In this assignment, we will consider timeless means of discipleship, while also exploring recent models that might be effective in our ministry settings. Tasks: ...
Read More »Module 3 SLP
In Module 4, you will continue with the CVP analysis you completed in the Scenario Continuation: It is still January 2, 2012. You have just completed your revised SLP3 (Order# 81703000) strategy using CVP analysis, and you are eager to implement your decisions for 2012 through 2014. Using the CVP analysis from SLP3 (Order# 81703000), run the simulation for a ...
Read More »Assignment 2: Discipleship training
Assignment 2: Discipleship Training Tasks: As you reflect on the ideas behind “A Curriculum for Christlikeness”, discuss what you would include in your own discipleship training plan for your church. What areas do you believe your training would need to emphasize? Explain where your people have strength in some areas, and where they can use additional training in others. Compile ...
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