Answer the following questions in 200 words per response:1. The article for week 8 described hip hop as a weapon. This week’s reading makes several references to hip hop and spirituality? Can hip hop be described as a spiritual movement? Why or why not? 2. In the movie, “I Love Hip Hop in Morocco” on of the rappers repeatedly used ...
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Student Behavior Web Case Study
First, think about a student that would be a challenge to have in your class and complete a Behavior Observation Worksheet regarding that particular student’s behavior. Be sure to stress the behavior(s) that student exhibits that you want to make better or eliminate. DO NOT use a real student’s name. Write this before continuing with the assignment (you will submit ...
Read More »the death of real news
The purpose of writing a response paper is to encourage students to actively read and evaluate selected articles. While it is possible to read an article just once and gain an understanding of the main idea, much of the depth and nuance of the article will only be discovered after multiple readings. Moreover, your grasp of the ideas and concepts ...
Read More »impact on the perception of security in Europe and the United States, produced by the actions of “lone wolves” from 2004 to today – trends, threats and possible countermeasures
1- introduction: a. introduction to the problem of terrorism in Europe and the United States in recent years b. introduction to the figure of the “lone wolf” 2-2- the concept of lone wolfa. who are the lone wolves? b. What arises from this concept? c. how this concept has evolved over time? d. what are the techniques of recruitment and ...
Read More »Reflection Paper
THE BOOK: Breath, Eyes, Memory Written reflections papers based on the selected text. These papers should demonstrate not only an understanding of the text but also genuine critical inquiry into the issues and exploration of ideas not necessarily discussed in class. Some guiding questions: What is my initial response to the text? What are the main ideas/critical themes/arguments in the ...
Read More » Logic and abstract thinking
Explain what you think the role of logic and abstract thought (as opposed to simple observation) is in science
Read More »“What You Pawn I Will Redeem” by Sherman Alexie
Assignment Overview: Write a well-organized, effectively developed, 3-5-page analysis of one of “What You Pawn I Will Redeem” by Sherman Alexie. The paper should critically analyze the way the text engages a significant social issue or how the story addresses issues or problems of social responsibility. You should anchor the paper’s argument with a clearly articulated thesis statement and use ...
Read More »Frostbite – Is tPA the best treatment?
I would like a comparative scientific research paper written about frostbite, specifically using the treatment tPA compared to traditional therapy, and if the use of tPA leads to more favorable outcomes. I would like a title page and a reference page, along with headings throughout the paper. The headings, in order, include: Introduction, Discussion, Analysis, Social Determinants of Health (how ...
Read More »1. What bio-psychosocial and spiritual factors impacted the boy in the film between the time he was lost and the time he was reunited with his mother?2. What bio-psychosocial and spiritual factors impacted the mother in the film between the time she was separated from her son until the time she was reunited with him?3. What did you observe about ...
Read More »Health Organization Values
Organizational culture and values Discuss how they Impact on nurse engagement and patient outcome Effective communication techniques
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