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HIPAA, CIA, and Safeguards

DescriptionThis assignment consists of two (2) sections: a written paper and a PowerPoint presentation. You must submit both sections as separate files for the completion of this assignment. Label each file name according to the section of the assignment it is written for. Health Information Technology (HIT) is a growing field within health services organizations today; additionally, health information security ...

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Airline Pricing Research Assignment

DescriptionThis assignment is designed to show how the economic concept of price discrimination is implemented in the airline industry and reflected in airline pricing. To obtain some limited price data, choose any city-pair and two competing airlines. A network and low-cost-carrier make an interesting comparison, but any airlines of interest are acceptable. For each airline, obtain the 4 prices for ...

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Calculating Hourly Rate (Freelance Graphic Designer)

Assignment Calculating Your Hourly Rate How much should you bill for your work? Should you bill hourly or will you make more money if you bill by the job? How do you account for fixed and variable costs like equipment, health insurance, and the Creative Cloud? This assignment will help bring these issues into perspective! Comment: I’ll bill my clients ...

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Egyptian Civilization

Please respond to the following items: Discuss the Egyptian Civilization. What was the role of the Nile River in the development of the civilization? What was the spiritual life in Egyptian society like? What was the purpose of the pyramids? Describe the extent of the Egyptian Empire. Who was Akhenaten and what religious changes did he implement?

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the bad, the ugly, and the good of kids

A five paragraph essay that compares the main idea found in the article ” the bad, the ugly, and the good of kids’ use of social media” by Jim Taylor with the main idea of “driven to distraction:our wired generation” by Larry Rosen and the main idea of “is technology stealing our self identity?” by Jim Taylor https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/the-power-prime/201305/the-bad-the-ugly-and-the-good-kids-use-social-media http://www.coloradodaily.com/ci_21980540/driven-distraction-our-wired-generation https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/the-power-prime/201107/technology-is-technology-stealing-our-self-identities

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Please respond to the following items: Discuss the Hebrews as the “Children of Israel.” Was there a united Kingdom of Israel? Discuss the spiritual dimensions of Israel to include the “Covenant and the “Law.” What were the prophets and what was their role in Hebrew society? How was the Hebrew society structured?

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Internal and External Validity

Internal and External Validity Based on the Burgette and Magun-Jackson (2009) article: 1. List and describe one possible or plausible[1] threat to statistical conclusion validity? Why do you think it is a possible or plausible threat? 2. List and describe one possible or plausible threat to internal validity? Why do you think it is a possible or plausible threat? 3. ...

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Outline for a proposal

• What is my main research question? – [Introduce your question WITHIN CONTEXT] • How am I going to pursue it? – Describe research methods with as much detail as possible at this point • How is it going to advance the field? • How will it have broader impacts? This assignment have like many steps first I need the ...

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