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I will let you choose from one of the related chooses to case-law -content– Locate 2 peer-reviewed articles, not over 5 years that discuss 2 historical Supreme Court cases. This historical case-law can be related to search and seizure, stop and frisk, searches and evidence, or police interrogation and confessions. Provide an in-depth discussion of the findings of each article. With respect to the specific case law you have analyzed, defend constitutional democracy and the issues raised in case-law from a Christian worldview.

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Answer Questions- Critical Thinking -content– Describe a story that has recently been sensationalized, and explain a key component of sensationalism that was part of the way the story was presented. Your response should be at least 200 words in length.2)Identify and explain the steps that one must take to be a critical consumer of the news, and describe a time where you failed to be a critical consumer of the news.Your response should be at least 200 words in length.3) Describe the prospects for establishing a “Critical Society” as described by Graham Sumner. Your response should be at least 200 words in length.4)Identify a time when you were influenced by media bias in relation to a world event, or perhaps an event on a more local level. Explain why you think that the news media was biased in this context and whether certain media outlets were overly sensitive to advertisers, government, or powerful interests, or competitors. 5) stion COLLAPSE Describe an example of a time when you pointed out another person’s mistake. How can you tell whether another person is merely making a mistake or purposely trying to deceive you? What happened in this case? Your explanations should have reasons that support them that use information you learned in this course that apply to this event in your life.

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On Golden Pond -content– The movie is “On Golden Pond” by Mark Rydell. The paper needs to talk about the movie’s view on: the biological, psychological, social, and cultural aspects of aging. It also needs to include your opinion of these three views. You may agree or disagree with them; therefore, you will write your point of view in a respectful and professional manner. You must include three other references such as articles or other books in order to expand on your view. The paper should be thoughtful, articulate, well written, and provide evidence of significant engagement with the ideas expressed with the readings in class and the movie.

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bioethics case study -content– PHIL 443 Bioethics and the Law Memo To: From: Your Name Date: Re: Exam #1: Ethics Case Study Memo Assignment Ethics Case Study Memo Assignment: This assignment requires that you put yourself in a professional situation where an ethical decision has to be made. Write your assessment of the situation and your recommendation in the form of a memo to your employer, colleague, or patient depending on the situation (Please do not write a legal memo). Discuss in the memo your analysis of the situation with mainly reference to ethical requirements and some relevant law. Basically, I am asking you provide an ethical case study analysis but presented in a more formal memo format. In your memo: 1. Tell me who you are writing to in the “to.” Tell me who you are in the “from.” 2. Only briefly discuss the scenario. Assume that the receiving party knows common details. 3. Clearly tell your recipient the ethical problem (issue spotting). 4. Discuss what ethical alternatives you considered (e.g. autonomy vs beneficence). 5. Discuss your selected solution and the reasons for your decision. 6. Discuss, when relevant, how your solution pertains to applicable law. 7. Conclusion: What action do you want the recipient to take? Why did you write the memo? This should be in professional memo format (Microsoft Word has many to choose from such as this one), 1-2 pages single spaced (no more than 2 pages of memo!). Exam #1 Case Study: CHALLENGING ISSUE: CLAIMS OF SIBLINGS – p. 179 Primary focus: Do you think as an ethical matter that Harriet and Henry should proceed with their suit? Brief Secondary Focus: Do you think as a legal matter that they will be allowed to go forward with their claim? ****Make sure to reference your case study in either the body of the document or in a footer*****

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cultural revolution -content– Unit 8 Assignment: In the course, cultural revolution is defined as a major change that impacts the way people in a culture lead their lives. This could be anything from a major terrorist attack like September 11, 2001 that impacts a feeling of security, or a change in technology that changes how people interact and work. It could be a positive change such as the fall of Communism in Europe during the 1980s, or a change in attitudes about women or minorities. Cultural revolutions can impact a single country or the global economy. In your own life, a cultural revolution may be a change in religious practice and belief, or an event that restructures the family unit. There are a variety of ways that culture and revolution can be defined, and this will be explored through two interviews. Be prepared for the interview. Check out the document on Interview Protocol in Doc Sharing in order to know what to expect and how to conduct an interview. You will select two people and interview them about the cultural revolutions that have had the most impact upon their lives. You should create at least 4–5 questions to ask, and be prepared to ask follow-up questions if you want more information. The objective is to see the impact of cultural revolutions upon societies, but an effective way to learn about the view of a member in the society is to ask an individual. You will not be required to prepare a transcript of the interviews, but you should take notes so you can answer the Assignment question. The replies to the questions below, Part I and Part II, should be between 500–700 words. I. One at a time, you will want to introduce the person you are interviewing and explain why you chose them for the interview. Then, you will summarize their replies and highlight one or two interesting ways they viewed the cultural revolution as having an impact upon their life. How has this revolution improved or made life more challenging? How have they changed? How has their family changed? After you complete these steps with the first interview, write the same information for the second interview. II. Finally, you should draw conclusions about the process and the answers that were given. Compare and contrast the results of the interviews. Discuss what was similar or different in the replies. What did you learn about how these interview subjects saw their role in society? What is their attitude about the opportunities and challenges of this cultural revolution?

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 LEARN ABOUT ME AND MY ABILITIES -content– ESSAY INSTRUCTIONS: SCSU’s ACE Program would like to know more about you and your abilities for this admissions process. Please choose one (1) of the perspectives on nursing videos by selecting A Day in the Life. This is the link: https://www.discovernursing.com/a-day-in-the-life#.V9l7D_krKJC . Please compose a 500 word essay (one page) on one of the video’s incorporating all of the following: 1.) Why are you considering a career change to the Nursing profession? 2.) Identify what potential challenges in nursing you might anticipate. 3.) Compare and contrast your view of nursing with the ideas portrayed on the video Please remember to list at the top of your essay the video you chose to address. We encourage all applicants to read the Institute of Medicine (IOM) and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s recent report entitled, “The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health.” My instructions: Please note the essay has to be done more in a narrative way other than using fancy and big words, I want the essay nice and simple with inspirational details that answers the questions. . I want my essay to sounds inspiring when someone is reading it, and to answer the question that they are asking based on the videos. Please feel free to make up any information as long as you are answering the questions that they are asking me. I don’t mind. I did an essay for another school so you can use few ideas for the first question. Please remember most of the questions are based on the video. Feel free to make up the rest or whatever it is necessary. Feel free to email me for any questions.

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Business law -content– Pick four of the categories below. Think about items around your household or workplace and choose a product (or advertisement for a product) that falls within each of the categories you selected. (1) Tell us the product and (2) the company that creates that product. Research the history of that company and then tell us (3) the type of entity of the company when it first started and (4) the type of entity of the company today. Lastly, (5) tell us why you think the owners decided to change, or not to change, the type of entity for the company. (i) Furniture (ii) Clothing (iii) Food (iv) Personal Care/Grooming (v) Professional Services (such as repair, tax advice, legal advice, medical care, etc.) (vi) Mobile/Computer Device LEARNING ACTIVITY 2: (A) Think of a business you would like to own someday. Describe that company. Which type of entity would you choose to conduct business operations for that company, and why? (B) John approaches his friend Kevin and offers Kevin 50 percent of the profits from his new online venture if Kevin designs the Web site for the venture. Kevin says nothing, and later that night begins work on the Web site, which he then sends to John for his approval. Have John and Kevin formed a general partnership? Why or why not? (C) Henry Ford (Ford Motor Company), Ray Croc (McDonald’s), and Levi Strauss (Levi’s) were all entrepreneurs who decided to incorporate their businesses and in doing so created long-lasting legacies that outlived them. These entrepreneurs were motivated to incorporate even though incorporation meant giving up control of their companies. If your business was already successful, what considerations would be important to you in your decision whether to incorporate that business? PLACE THIS ORDER OR A SIMILAR ORDER WITH US TODAY AND GET A GOOD DISCOUNT

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Ethics at work -content– Ethics in business relationships include both the external and internal relationships that develop around the organization. For this assignment, focus on the internal relationships that develop inside the organization. Studies have indicated the more positive the environment within the organization, the more productive the employees. Research one or a combination of these job-related topics found within organizations: job discrimination, reverse discrimination, sexual harassment, bullying, and/or unsafe working conditions. Your essay should address the following: · Briefly describe the issue. · Explain the significance of any ethics-based decision your research finds and the affect it had or has on overall morale, relationships within the organization, and ultimately overall productivity levels. · Research a minimum of one company involved in this type of issue. · What best practices might a company implement to avoid negative behavior within their organization? PLACE THIS ORDER OR A SIMILAR ORDER WITH US TODAY AND GET A GOOD DISCOUNT

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