Business laws -content– 1. To promote the new minor league hockey team coming to town, the owners of the team, H.K. Enterprises, announces a contest to name and create a mascot for the team, offering the winner a prize of $10,000 and season tickets for life. Before a winner is announced, the owners decide the prize money is more than they can afford. Discuss whether they can change the prize before the contest is over by defining bilateral and unilateral contract, applying the correct type to the facts, and reaching a conclusion? 2. Jose and Maria were renting their home and asked their landlord, Martin if he would consider selling it to them. Martin encouraged them to apply for financing, and even referred them to a mortgage broker. However, when they applied, they were told they needed to improve their credit score to qualify for a mortgage. To help establish credit, Jose and Maria took out a loan to add a garage onto the house, so Jose could do car repairs at home to earn extra money. When Maria lost her job, they missed their rent payment to Martin who promptly sued to evict them. Do Maria and Jose have a successful argument for a quasi-contract to recover the amount they spent to build the garage? Discuss whether Martin will be unjustly enriched? 3. A vendor at the flea market has a table full of purses for $40, which appear to be identical to top designer brands that sell for $400 or more. Although Nicole suspects that they might be fakes she can’t pass up a bargain and buys 5 of them in 5 different colors. When the first one falls apart in a week, she takes them all back to the vendor and asks for a refund. The vendor points to the sign that says, no refunds or exchanges, and refuses to take them back. Does Nicole have a right to demand that the contract should be void or voidable based on the violation of copyright laws that protect brand name designs? 4. Office Supply Center sends out an email to all of its customers stating, “Free tote bag and 20% off everything that fits in it, to the first 100 customers! Is this an offer or just an advertisement? What additional terms are needed to make the offer definite and certain? 5. David and Jennifer need new siding on their home, but the deck needs to be repaired before the siding can be done. They get competing estimates from contractors, and tell Denise from The House Fixers that their offer is acceptable but the work can’t be done until the deck is finished. Denise says, “That’s fine, just call us when you are ready to start.” David and Jennifer have all kinds of trouble getting the deck contractor to finish the work, which is further delayed by weather conditions, so an entire year goes by before they contact The House Fixers to schedule the siding work. Denise is no longer working there, and the new office manager, Karen says the contract is no longer valid and has to be rewritten to reflect new pricing. Analyze whether the contract is valid by addressing who was the offeror and who was the offeree, whether the terms of the offer and the acceptance were definite and certain and whether the offer was rejected by lapse of a reasonable time? 6. Felicia texts her sister, Krissie, “Will sell u my car for $500, need money ASAP” Krissie knows the car is worth ten times that, but her sister really needs the money, so Krissie texts back, “OK”. Krissie successfully runs a cupcake food truck, so she writes her sister a check from the business account for “Krissie’s Kupcakes”, and puts it in the mail to her sister. However, a week later when Krissie finds time to go get the car, she finds out that Felicia has sold it to someone else for $3000, but of course she has already cashed the check. When the two sisters end up on the Judge Judy show, Felicia testifies that her sister should have known that her offer was so low she wasn’t serious about selling it for so little, and that she cashed the check assuming it was payment for the when she helped her sister out when the truck was parked at the state fair for a week. Will Judge Judy decide that the sisters made a valid offer and acceptance for the sale of the car? PLACE THIS ORDER OR A SIMILAR ORDER WITH US TODAY AND GET A GOOD DISCOUNT Read More »
ESSAY -content– Assume that a multispecialty medical group has decided to segment the market in the community by income level. The group has decided to target a small niche of middle-aged, white collar professionals who are married, with both spouses working outside the home. How might this medical group tailor its marketing mix to appeal to this segment? PLACE THIS ORDER OR A SIMILAR ORDER WITH US TODAY AND GET A GOOD DISCOUNT Read More »
Windows Executable Program -content– A. Write a windows executable program that makes 4 copies(self-replication) of itself to different file system locations, creates 5new files of any file type in different locations, and deletes two of self replication copies, 2 of the newly created files, and any two other files on the system (you can create these ahead of time if you like). Create some of the filesin standard ways. Try to implement some of the file creation and deletion in non-standard ways, thinks of ways that you think minispy may not detect. You can write you code to run either in user space or kernel space. B. Write a piece of code that analyzes the Dbgview output files. Print a list that identifies which processes (pid) created and deleted which files. This is the first piece of code for your analysis engine. PLACE THIS ORDER OR A SIMILAR ORDER WITH US TODAY AND GET A GOOD DISCOUNT Read More »
Political Science -content– 1. Briefly explain the difference between a democratic form of government and an authoritarian form of government. Your response should be at least 75 words in length. 2. Do freedom, capitalism, and democracy go hand-in-hand? Can one or more of these characteristics exist within a society without the others being present? Explain your answer. Your response should be at least 200 words in length 3. Distinguish between military, one-party states, monarchies, and theocratic forms of authoritarian regimes. What are the central characteristics of each? Provide an example of each form of government. Are authoritarian regimes more effective at providing material goods to their citizens than democratic regimes? Explain. Your response should be at least 500 words in length PLACE THIS ORDER OR A SIMILAR ORDER WITH US TODAY AND GET A GOOD DISCOUNT Read More »
Cultural Diversity -content– Part I Select at least one religious and one ethnic/racial group that is not your own from the following list: •Religious groups (based on •Christianity •Evangelical Protestant •Mainline Protestant •Historically Black Churches •Roman Catholic •Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) •Jehovah’s Witnesses •Orthodox (Greek, Eastern) •Judaism (Orthodox, Conservative, or Reform) •Buddhism (Theravada or Mahayana) •Islam (Sunni, Shia, Sufism) •Hinduism •Ethnic groups (found in Ch. 5, 11, and 14 of Racial and Ethnic Groups) Part II Write a 350- to 700-word paper in which you consider the following regarding the religious group and ethnic group you selected: Religious Group •How does your selected religious group differ from other religious groups (such as in their beliefs, worship practices, or values)? How has your selected religious group contributed to American culture? Discuss at least one example. What is an example of prejudice or discrimination your selected religious group has experienced? What was the source of this prejudice or discrimination? Briefly summarize how your perception of this group has changed as a result of your exploration of the selected religion. Ethnic Group How does your selected ethnic group differ from other racial or ethnic groups (such as differences in ancestry, language, or culture)? How has your selected group contributed to American culture? What is an example of prejudice or discrimination your selected ethnic group has experienced? What was the source of this prejudice or discrimination? Briefly summarize how your perception of this group has changed as a result of your exploration of the selected religion. PLACE THIS ORDER OR A SIMILAR ORDER WITH US TODAY AND GET A GOOD DISCOUNT Read More »
Industrial Organizational Psychology -content– Part A 1. Describe three (3) criteria used to evaluate performance in your current or past job. 2. Discuss the issues of criterion relevance, criterion contamination, criterion deficiency, and criterion usefulness as they pertain to the performance criteria used in your current or previous work organization. Part B 1. Describe three (3) differences between extrinsic and intrinsic motivation. 2. Describe one (1) school or work experience when you have experienced each type of motivation. Part C Identify and describe two (2) sources of conflict in work organizations. Provide one (1) example for each source of conflict. Part D Provide one (1) example of a situation where a relationship-oriented leader would be most effective and one (1) example of a situation where a task-oriented leader would be most effective. PLACE THIS ORDER OR A SIMILAR ORDER WITH US TODAY AND GET A GOOD DISCOUNT Read More »
HISTORY -content– 1. What could have been done to prevent the collapse of the Roman Republic into autocracy? To explain your conclusion, identify what you see as the significant dates, developments, heroes, and villains. Your response should be at least 500 words in length. 2.Why did Romans accept some Greek ideas but reject others, and how did this shape the influence of Greek culture on Rome? Use some examples to explain your conclusion. Your response should be at least 200 words in length PLACE THIS ORDER OR A SIMILAR ORDER WITH US TODAY AND GET A GOOD DISCOUNT Read More »
Western civilization -content– 1) What explains the differences in how the Hellenists governed the lands that Alexander had conquered? To explain your conclusion, consider the differences and similarities in how each area was governed, how they cooperated with one another, the problems that these areas faced, and how these problems could have been overcome. At least 500 words 2) Evaluate Rome’s attempt to reconcile the differences in law and culture that created the division of social classes. To explain your conclusion, consider whether Rome could have prevented the problems these divisions created. At least 300 words 3) Why do you think Alexander had so many achievements? Why do you think Alexander the Great continues to fascinate so many centuries after his death? Do you think Romanization was beneficial? Do you think some form of it still exists today? Why do you think so? At least 300 words 4) What did the “five good emperors” accomplish? Were they truly good? Explain. Do you think the destruction of the empire brought the stability Octavius promised? Did he save Rome by destroying the Republic? At least 300 words 5)Why did monasteries become the most important center of European learning in the early Middle Ages? Do you think the learning systems we have in place today would have worked in the Middle Ages? Why, or why not? PLACE THIS ORDER OR A SIMILAR ORDER WITH US TODAY AND GET A GOOD DISCOUNT Read More »
Cultural geography sociology -content– 1) In 200 words,What are the advantages and disadvantages of the globalization and standardization of culture? Provide at least one specific example of the advantage and at least one specific example of the disadvantage of the globalization of culture. Would you prefer to live in a community in which everyone were the same (no difference in language, religion, sexuality, and so forth) or one in which such differences exist? Why? 2) In 75 words,Provide a specific example of how land use (clearing of land for fuel, farming, grazing, resource extraction, building, etc.) can have a negative impact on the environment. Provide at least one sustainable solution to address the negative impact. PLACE THIS ORDER OR A SIMILAR ORDER WITH US TODAY AND GET A GOOD DISCOUNT Read More »
Global Events -content– Suppose that within your health care organization there is no formal process or structure for health care professionals to volunteer time and services in times of global need.Develop a proposal for establishing a process that would allow nurses and other health care professionals to secure time off to work with a specific worldwide organization, to provide health care services during global events. As part of the proposal, you would need to provide background research to support your request. Conduct background research on either one of the following to support the proposal you would develop: Choose one worldwide epidemic, such as the 2009 flu pandemic, 2009 mumps outbreak, 2012 Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus outbreak, the recent Ebola virus epidemic, or another epidemic. Research articles that focus on how the initial outbreak was handled; the role of social attitudes and issues of race, class, and gender in responding to the outbreak; barriers to people receiving proper health care; and the role of nursing in providing health care services related to the epidemic. Choose one natural disaster, such as the earthquakes in Haiti, Pakistan, or Nepal; Cyclone Nargis in Myanmar; the Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami, or any other natural disaster that brought a worldwide response. Research articles that focus on the initial response to the disaster; the role of social attitudes and issues of race, class, and gender in responding to the disaster; barriers to survivors receiving health care; and the role of nursing in providing health care services related to the disaster. Requirements Develop background research that would support a proposal for an organizational process allowing health care professionals to volunteer time and services when global events happen. First, identify the global event you will be using in your research, and then: Explain how the local and national (meaning the nation in which the event took place) communities responded to the event. Who responded? How long did the first response take? How did health care providers respond? Explain how social attitudes, as well as issues of race, class, gender, or other factors may have influenced the response to the event. Be sure you consider not only the response of the home country, but the global response as well. Describe barriers to health care services for the people impacted by the event. Some barriers may be obvious, and other barriers less obvious; try to consider multiple aspects. Explain the role of international health organizations and altruistic organizations in providing health care services related to the global event. Explain the role of the professional nurse in providing health care services related to the global event. Consider scope of practice when working professionally out of one’s area of license—either nationally or globally. PLACE THIS ORDER OR A SIMILAR ORDER WITH US TODAY AND GET A GOOD DISCOUNT Read More »