Risk Management Problem Set -content– Supermarkets often receive damaged food products in shipments which they cannot sell to customers. Bill’s Supermarket is a small grocery store located in Cleveland. ShopAll is a large, multi-state supermarket in the Midwest. Bill’s receives 150 shipments per month. In the past four months, Bill’s received 35, 55, 65, and 45 shipments with damaged food products. ShopAll receives 10,000 shipments per month. In the past four months,ShopAll received 2,450, 2,850, 2,200, and 2,500 shipments with damaged food products. What is the probability of a shipment containing damaged food products for each business? Calculate the standard deviation and coefficient of variation of damaged shipments for the two businesses. Which business has greater risk concerning the occurrence of a damaged food shipment? The average amount of unsellable food for Bill’s is $25. Based on this past data, what is Bill’s Expected Loss for damaged food products next month? PLACE THIS ORDER OR A SIMILAR ORDER WITH US TODAY AND GET A GOOD DISCOUNT Read More »
Supply & Demand -content– A key skill in economics is the ability to use the theory of supply and demand to analyze specific markets. In this assessment, you will demonstrate your ability to analyze the effects of several “shocks†on the market for first class mail (e.g., letters). Pay Raise: Suppose postal workers are successful in obtaining a pay raise from the U.S. Postal Service. Will this affect the supply or the demand for first class mail? Why? Which determinant of demand or supply is being affected? Show graphically with before and after curves on the same axes. How will this change the equilibrium price and quantity of first class mail? Explain your reasoning. ( identify which of the following apply: the cost of production, a change in technology, tastes and preferences, income, the price of substitutes or the price of complements affects equilibrium price and equilibrium quantity) Email and Text: Now consider the invention of email and text messaging. Explain how you imagine the invention of email and text messaging affected the market for first class mail? Why? Which determinant of demand or supply is being affected? Show graphically with before and after curves on the same axes. How will this change the equilibrium price and quantity of first class mail? Explain your reasoning. (identify which of the following apply: the cost of production, a change in technology, tastes and preferences, income, the price of substitutes or the price of complements affects equilibrium price and equilibrium quantity) Combine Cases 1 and 2: Suppose that postal workers get a pay raise and email and text messaging become common. What will the combined impact be on the equilibrium price and quantity of first class mail? Explain your reasoning and show graphically. Remember quantity falls, but change in price is indeterminate, since it depends on which curve shifts more. PLACE THIS ORDER OR A SIMILAR ORDER WITH US TODAY AND GET A GOOD DISCOUNT Read More »
Thermodynamics -content– Problem 1 – 25 points A heat engine operating at steady state has a thermal efficiency of 35% and generates 100 MW of electricity while discharging energy by heat transfer to cooling water at an average temperature of 20°C. The average temperature of the steam passing through the boiler is 460°C. (a) What is the rate at which energy is discharged to the cooling water (MW)? (b) What is the minimum theoretical rate at which energy could be discharged to the cooling water (MW)? Problem 2 – 25 points Each of the parts below is a separate problem. calculate the appropriate quantity. (a) Refrigerant-134a at T = 40°F and s = 0.22194 Btu/lbm·°R. Find u (Btu/lbm). (b) Water at P = 5.0 MPa and T = 100°C. Find the exact value of s (kJ/kg·K). (c) Refrigerant-134a at P = 80 psia and T = 50°F. Find s (Btu/lbm·°R). (d) Nitrogen (ideal gas) at T = 250 K. Find (kJ/kmol·K). (e) An inventor claims to have developed a refrigerator that maintains the refrigerated space at 40°F while operating in a room where the temperature is 85°F and that has a COP of 13.5. Is this claim reasonable? Problem 3 – 25 points A Carnot heat engine drives a Carnot refrigeration cycle as shown. (a) How much work does the heat engine produce (in Btu)? (b) What is T3 (in °R)? (c) What is Q3 (in Btu)? Problem 4 – 25 points Steam at 1 MPa and 600°C enters a well-insulated turbine operating at steady state with a velocity of 50 m/s and exits at 0.01 MPa with a velocity of 100 m/s. The work developed per kg of steam flowing is claimed to be 1050 kJ/kg. Is this a valid claim? (Clearly justify your answer). Assume negligible potential energy changes. Problem 1 – 25 points Steam enters an adiabatic turbine at 8 MPa and 500°C at a rate of 18 kg/s, and exits at 0.2 MPa and 300°C. Determine the rate of entropy generation (kW/K) in the turbine. Problem 3 – 25 points Steam enters an adiabatic turbine at 8 MPa and 500°C with a mass flow rate of 3 kg/s and leaves at 30 kPa. The isentropic efficiency of the turbine is 0.90. Determine the poweroutput (MW) of the turbine. PLACE THIS ORDER OR A SIMILAR ORDER WITH US TODAY AND GET A GOOD DISCOUNT Read More »
Food Science Quiz -content– Question 1 Taste buds are specialized receptor cells found __________. Select one: a. distributed throughout the tongue and mouth. b. in distictly organized patterns on the tongue. c. on the tip of the tongue d. in the mouth and nose. Question 2 __________ is the taste sensation that is universally desirable. Select one: a. Sweet b. Sour c. Salt d. Bitter e. Unami Question 3 Amino acids combine with glutamates to produce this taste. a. Sweet b. Sour c. Salt d. Bitter e. Unami Question 4 Foods that taste __________ maybe toxic. Select one: a. sweet b. sour c. salty d. bitter e. savory Question 5 Hydrogen ions in food are responsible for__________. a. sweetness b. sourness c. saltiness d. bitterness e. unami Question 6 The heat of chili peppers is a _________ taste. a. none of the choices b. sour c. salt d. bitter e. unami Question 7 Our sense of smell relies on _______ molecules. a. free radical b. ionic c. folded d. volatile Question 8 Your nose can detect _________ different odors. a. 5 b. 10-30 c. hundreds d. thousands Question 9 Odors, or aromas, of food can be stored in our memories. True False Question 10 Both the Maillard Reaction and carmelization involve _______ molecules. a. sugar b. fat c. protein d. water Question 11 the Maillard reaction begins to occur around ______ degrees Farneheit. Select one: a. 140 b. 210 c. 285 d. 335 Question 12 The Maillard reaction does not always develop well in ___________. a. meat b. toast c. fish d. onions Question 13 The flavor and taste of herbs comes from ______________. a. essential oils b. saturated oils c. complex carbohydrates d. reaction products Question 14 The impact of spices dissolved in ______________ lasts the longest in our recipes and mouths. a. alcohol b. acids c. oil d. water PLACE THIS ORDER OR A SIMILAR ORDER WITH US TODAY AND GET A GOOD DISCOUNT Read More »
What role does each of the three main financial statements play in the decision-making process of the financial manager? Which one requires daily inspection? How long before trends are seen? -content– What role does each of the three main financial statements play in the decision-making process of the financial manager? Which one requires daily inspection? How long before trends are seen? PLACE THIS ORDER OR A SIMILAR ORDER WITH US TODAY AND GET A GOOD DISCOUNT Read More »
Business -content– 1. Write a brief essay comparing Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory to Herzberg’s two-factor theory. What is the significance and contribution of each, and how do the two theories complement one another? (Your response should be at least 500 words in length.) 2. Listening is a critical skill for both leaders and followers. Many overlook the simplicity yet importance of being a good listener. The 10 keys to effective listening covered in your textbook are: • Listen actively. • Keep an open mind. • Resist distractions. • Capitalize on the fact that thought is faster than speech. • Seek understanding. • Judge content, not delivery. • Hold one’s fire. • Listen for ideas. • Work at listening. • Show respect. Discuss, in detail, which three keys from the list above are most important in your opinion and why. (Your response should be at least 500 words in length) 3. Identify ways that a leader could use symbolic acts to strengthen a cultural value of teamwork and collaboration. (Your response should be at least 500 words in length.) 4. Of the five elements that help people change (positive emotional attractor, supportive relationships, repetition of new behaviors, participation and involvement and after-action reviews), which do you think leaders are most likely to overlook and why? (Your response should be at least 500 words in length.) PLACE THIS ORDER OR A SIMILAR ORDER WITH US TODAY AND GET A GOOD DISCOUNT Read More »
Child Abuse Prevention and Intervention -content– 1. Over the time the definition of child physical abuse has changed. The trend has to been to classify  more behavior as abusive. Is this a good thing or bad thing? 2. Should people who engage in folk medicine practices be prosecuted for child physical abuse? Why or why not? 3. If you read in the newspaper that a father told doctors that his 2 year old son had fallen off the couch and broken his arm and fractured three ribs what would you think about his account? 4. How important is parental intention in the assessment of child physical abuse? Should acts that were not meant to harm the child but did harm the child be considered abusive? 5. Do you think the laws regarding child physical abuse should cover only harm or both threatened harm? why or why not? PLACE THIS ORDER OR A SIMILAR ORDER WITH US TODAY AND GET A GOOD DISCOUNT Read More »
Business -content– Craft three recommendations for change that stem from your organization diagnosis using both Weisbord’s Six Boxes and your assessment of the culture of your target organization. Explain how you will communicate these recommendations to the leaders of the organization in a way that will lessen resistance and engender implementation. PLACE THIS ORDER OR A SIMILAR ORDER WITH US TODAY AND GET A GOOD DISCOUNT Read More »
Assignment -content– There are several distinct and overlapping theories that attempt to explain violence in society. Some examine violence at the micro level (small scale, intimate, etc.) and some are better tools to examine macro violence (societal-wide, large-scale, etc.). With this in mind, which theories might be more helpful in explaining child or spousal abuse and which might be more useful to examine political violence? Identify the theories and explain why you selected them as macro and/or micro tools. Make sure your reflection is at least 300 words. PLACE THIS ORDER OR A SIMILAR ORDER WITH US TODAY AND GET A GOOD DISCOUNT Read More »
Ethics & Film Paper on Contagion & Namesake -content– Living a Life of Integrity PART ONE (400 words): How do the two characters from Contagion teach us about living with integrity? Your two characters may or may not each be good examples! PART TWO (400 words): How do the two characters from The Namesake teach us about living with integrity? Your two characters may or may not each be good examples! PART THREE (400 words): What lessons can we learn from these 4 characters about (pick any 2): Ethical Egoism, Cultural relativism, Existentialism, Utilitarianism, Courage, Personal identity, the individual versus the society (or community), the role others play in our ethical decision-making, or how to balance self-interest with helping others. PART FOUR (200-300 words): What advice would you share with your 4 characters? Reflecting on Ethical Decisions PART ONE (400 words): How do the two characters from Contagion face an ethical dilemma—what is it and what did they do? Your two characters may or may not each be good examples! PART TWO (400 words): How do the two characters from The Namesake face an ethical dilemma—what is it and what did they do? Your two characters may or may not each be good examples PART THREE (400 words): What lessons can we learn from these 4 characters about (pick any 2): Ethical Egoism, Cultural relativism, Existentialism, Utilitarianism, Courage, Personal identity, the individual versus the society (or community), the role others play in our ethical decision-making, or how to balance self-interest with helping others. PART FOUR (200-300 words): What advice would you share with your 4 characters? PLACE THIS ORDER OR A SIMILAR ORDER WITH US TODAY AND GET A GOOD DISCOUNT Read More »