Child Abuse Prevention and Intervention -content– 1. Over the time the definition of child physical abuse has changed. The trend has to been to classify  more behavior as abusive. Is this a good thing or bad thing? 2. Should people who engage in folk medicine practices be prosecuted for child physical abuse? Why or why not? 3. If you read in the newspaper that a father told doctors that his 2 year old son had fallen off the couch and broken his arm and fractured three ribs what would you think about his account? 4. How important is parental intention in the assessment of child physical abuse? Should acts that were not meant to harm the child but did harm the child be considered abusive? 5. Do you think the laws regarding child physical abuse should cover only harm or both threatened harm? why or why not? PLACE THIS ORDER OR A SIMILAR ORDER WITH US TODAY AND GET A GOOD DISCOUNT Read More »
Business -content– Craft three recommendations for change that stem from your organization diagnosis using both Weisbord’s Six Boxes and your assessment of the culture of your target organization. Explain how you will communicate these recommendations to the leaders of the organization in a way that will lessen resistance and engender implementation. PLACE THIS ORDER OR A SIMILAR ORDER WITH US TODAY AND GET A GOOD DISCOUNT Read More »
Assignment -content– There are several distinct and overlapping theories that attempt to explain violence in society. Some examine violence at the micro level (small scale, intimate, etc.) and some are better tools to examine macro violence (societal-wide, large-scale, etc.). With this in mind, which theories might be more helpful in explaining child or spousal abuse and which might be more useful to examine political violence? Identify the theories and explain why you selected them as macro and/or micro tools. Make sure your reflection is at least 300 words. PLACE THIS ORDER OR A SIMILAR ORDER WITH US TODAY AND GET A GOOD DISCOUNT Read More »
Ethics & Film Paper on Contagion & Namesake -content– Living a Life of Integrity PART ONE (400 words): How do the two characters from Contagion teach us about living with integrity? Your two characters may or may not each be good examples! PART TWO (400 words): How do the two characters from The Namesake teach us about living with integrity? Your two characters may or may not each be good examples! PART THREE (400 words): What lessons can we learn from these 4 characters about (pick any 2): Ethical Egoism, Cultural relativism, Existentialism, Utilitarianism, Courage, Personal identity, the individual versus the society (or community), the role others play in our ethical decision-making, or how to balance self-interest with helping others. PART FOUR (200-300 words): What advice would you share with your 4 characters? Reflecting on Ethical Decisions PART ONE (400 words): How do the two characters from Contagion face an ethical dilemma—what is it and what did they do? Your two characters may or may not each be good examples! PART TWO (400 words): How do the two characters from The Namesake face an ethical dilemma—what is it and what did they do? Your two characters may or may not each be good examples PART THREE (400 words): What lessons can we learn from these 4 characters about (pick any 2): Ethical Egoism, Cultural relativism, Existentialism, Utilitarianism, Courage, Personal identity, the individual versus the society (or community), the role others play in our ethical decision-making, or how to balance self-interest with helping others. PART FOUR (200-300 words): What advice would you share with your 4 characters? PLACE THIS ORDER OR A SIMILAR ORDER WITH US TODAY AND GET A GOOD DISCOUNT Read More »
Finance multi-choice questions -content– 1. Since stock price can be manipulated by the financial manager through stock buybacks and other informational signaling, maximizing shareholder wealth is a simple task. A) True B) False 2. Institutional ownership is sought after by new, fast moving organizations because it provides a stable and respected ownership base. A) True B) False 3. A company can sell their shares in the secondary market by using a syndicate. A) True B) False 4. Liquidity is nearer to a cash position, and more of it is always desired by the company, bondholders and shareholders alike. A) True B) False 5. A pro-forma statement is a financial prediction of the future. A) True B) False 6. Changes in the stock price and the number of shares available will evoke changes in the market cap. A) True B) False 7. With the exception of an IPO, the firms value is set by the market through the laws of supply and demand. A) True B) False 8. Uncertain financial or interest rate environments create event risk for the firm. A) True B) False 9. In the NETSCAPE video, the issue of “currency for acquisition” referred to the shares of the firm being used to buy other companies. A) True B) False 10. Business risk is non-diversifiable and all firms are exposed to it. A) True B) False 11. Shrouded in controversy over it’s value, the firms price/earnings ratio is still one of the most commonly used and quoted valuation ratios. A) True B) False 12. One of the reasons for the financial meltdown recently was the collapse of the real estate market. A) True B) False 13. Stock buybacks raise your stock price while lowering the number of shares available in the open market. A) True B) False 14. One valuation technique should be used universally and consistently for all valuation decisions. A) True B) False 15. In capital rationing involving NPV, an investment can never be split, as the decision must be to accept or reject in total. A) True B) False 16. The payback method is still the most frequently used system of evaluating investment alternatives probably due to ease of understanding. A) True B) False 17. Diagram the business cycle and the effects on individual industries. Why is an index measuring Christmas sales so important? Is the business cycle controllable? What role does a counter-cyclical play? HINT: To diagram the business cycle, be sure to select the rich text/HTML format option for text editing. Read More »
Assignment -content– 1- For practical purposes, a family can be defined as what? 2- The primary consequences given of substance abuse by an adult who lives with a partner are likely to be? 3- A parents substance use can have cognitive, behavioral, psychosocial, and emotional consequences for children which show up as? 4- Which of the following is the most correct statement? and WHY? a. The focus for substance abuse counselors is prevention and education. For family therapists, it is the family system. b. The focus for substance abuse counselors is the substance abuse. For family therapists, it is the analysis of the abusers pathology. c. The focus for substance abuse counselors is the substance abuse. For family therapists, it is the family system. Period. d. The focus for substance abuse counselors is the recovery. For family therapists, it is the working with the family to enable the recovery. Which one is correct? a b c d ? Why did you choose that one? 5- In substance abuse treatment there typically is a confrontation that a group of family and friends have with a person abusing substances. Their goal is to convey the impact of the substance abuse and to urge entry into treatment. What is this confrontation called? Why do YOU consider it either effective or not? How would you set up on of these? And what would you hoped outcome be? 6- What differentiates between Family-involved Therapy and Family Therapy? Is there a difference, and if so, where would you use each in dealing with substance abusers? Why did you choose that one? PLACE THIS ORDER OR A SIMILAR ORDER WITH US TODAY AND GET A GOOD DISCOUNT Read More »
Web page security -content– Create a report in a 2- to 3-page Microsoft Word document addressing the following: Locate the PHP code for validating the user’s login information. Use the variables defined there to restrict the content page to only those who have successfully logged into the system. Describe how the session is managed from page to page in the application. How long is the session active by default? What conditions will end the session? Identify the form validation rules that need to be put in place for the login form and the registration form. What format should the data have? What is the maximum length of each item? Identify the necessary functions in JavaScript and PHP to create these validation rules and list them in your report. W3A2 Create a report in a 2- to 3-page Microsoft Word document addressing the following: Within the application code, implement the input validation formatting that you suggested in W2 Assignment 2. In the report for this week, identify the functions you implemented in JavaScript and PHP and explain how these functions have made your application more secure against attacks. Review the code and information that the application records and uses. Identify information that should be protected with cryptography. Why should this information be protected? Is there a cryptography solution within PHP that will address this need? If not, what type of cryptosystem should be used to protect the information and how should it be implemented within the application? Explain the difficulty of implementing cryptography and why the cryptosystem must be chosen carefully for any application. Using the modified code for this week,Identify the potential exploits and access points for the software. Identify any new vulnerability you have discovered in the system and evaluate whether the modifications you have made addressed these issues or whether they are still present. List at least five potential exploits of the system and an analysis of each. Review the list of defense measures that should be implemented. Identify any new defense measure that you feel should be included in the list. Evaluate whether the steps you have taken to modify the application have implemented these measures successfully. List at least five defense measures needed and an analysis of each. PLACE THIS ORDER OR A SIMILAR ORDER WITH US TODAY AND GET A GOOD DISCOUNT Read More »
Critical Infrastructures Industry and Government Standards -content– Examine some of the industry and government standards that deal with the interrelationships of information systems and technology to other types of critical infrastructures in regards to information security. Thus, this reinforces a technique you can utilize as a life-long learner as well as a professional. Begin by researching and identifying an industry and government standard that deals with the interrelationships of information systems and technology to other types of critical infrastructures, such as power, finance and banking, or municipal services. After conducting the online research, be sure to include the following information in your paper: 1.Provide an overview of the government and industry standard explaining how it is intended to affect the interrelationships of information systems and technology to other types of critical infrastructures 2.Does adhering to the standard include any nuisances? Does it place a hardship or burden on organizations? List them. 3.Provide your own thoughts about the effectiveness of the standards. Does it actually accomplish its intentions? PLACE THIS ORDER OR A SIMILAR ORDER WITH US TODAY AND GET A GOOD DISCOUNT Read More »
ECONOMICS -content– 1. Briefly describe the two basic rationales that underlie the U.S. welfare state. Identify the welfare state’s 2 largest programs, making sure you explain who benefits from these programs and how they are funded. Finally, explain why there remains such intense political debate in the U.S. over the welfare state. 2. The modern corporation in the U.S. arose in the latter stages of the 19th century. Two revolutions were important to its rise–what were they? Explain the basic internal structure of the modern corporation, making sure you comment on the board of directors, management, shareholders, etc. Explain what is meant by the principal-agent problem in the context of the modern corporation. Finally, explain why the American public has long had a love-hate relationship vis-a-vis the modern corporation. PLACE THIS ORDER OR A SIMILAR ORDER WITH US TODAY AND GET A GOOD DISCOUNT Read More »
Assignment -content– 1- A family is a system, and in any system each part is related to all other parts. Consequently, a change in any part of the system will bring about changes in all other parts. What theory is based on this point of view? How does it apply to working with substance abusers? 2- In dealing with Abusers, the primary issue in establishing if Family Therapy can take place is what? How do you verify this? 3- A great many Substance Abuse Treatment Counselors, as well as programs like NA, CA, and AA, base their understanding of a family’s relation to substance abuse on what model? Where does this differ from Family Therapy Counselors? How do you feel about the way AA looks at abuse? 4- Regarding Self-Disclosure by the Counselor, is it ever appropriate for a sub-abuse counselor? If it IS, why and when, and if NOT why? 5- What the heck does the term Complementarity mean? Give an example of how it applies to abusers? 6- What are some reasons that folks fail sobriety? What might be lacking in their lives? What do many need to stay sober? PLACE THIS ORDER OR A SIMILAR ORDER WITH US TODAY AND GET A GOOD DISCOUNT Read More »