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300725 Construction Technology 6

The plans, elevations and section for a proposed fitness centre development are available on vUWS. They include six A3 sheets numbered DA-101; DA-102; DA-103; DA201;
DA-202 and DA-301. The project is located in Rockhampton, on the central coast Queensland.
Assume that each of the following is available: Sewer: DN150 sewer located in the nature strip to the southern footpath of the road, with an assumed invert level of RL
41.500. Sanitary drainage will connect to this main via a sewer boundary trap (SBT) located within the property on the northern boundary. Design is required to
upstream side of SBT only. Stormwater: Stormwater will discharge to a below-grade SDT in southern boundary carpark (see location and plan dimensions on drawing) and
then to the western kerb of the street. The gutter discharge RL will need to be determined as part of the exercise. Use rainfall intensity data for Rockhampton based
on 20 minute duration (10 year ARI) and accept that Local Council requires a design based on maximum 90L/s/Ha allowable runoff (i.e. your exercise is to nominate the
SDT depth based on inflow versus allowable outflow at the 20minute peak). Potable water: DN100 main located in western footpath to the street, with invert at a
constant 1.0m below footpath. The supply authority can only guaranteed a pressure of 18mH and because it is in a new growth area of the city, you need to install a
surge tank as the mandatory design. You must achieve 150kPa at the most disadvantaged outlet. Consider carefully the facilities and determine overall capacity (mH and
L/s) for a pressure set serving the development from a surge tank location that you will note on your drawings.
Assessment Criteria
Using your appreciation of hydraulics installations to all levels of the building (Under-floor, ground and first floors and roof), determine the following noting that
you will be assessed on the points in each section:
1. Cold Water Supply System [40% of assignment 2] Recommend a reticulation system. Provide a single line diagram of the system, indicating pressure zones, loading
units, select pipe sizes to limit velocity to acceptable limits and pressure sets requirements. a). Single line diagram ? Loading units [15% overall] ? Pipe sizes
[10% overall] b). Pressure set capacity (in mH and Q) [15% overall including surge tank location] 2. Roof Areas Drainage System [40% of assignment 2] Design the stormwater drainage system. Provide a single line diagram showing the collection system, including flow
rates, pipe sizes and falls to detention tank, the location of which is at your discretion. Determine detention tank capacity.
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a). Assumptions ? Storm intensity calculations [20% overall] b). OSD tank ? Capacity calculations [20% overall] 3. Sanitary Plumbing and Drainage System [20% of assignment 2] Design the sanitary plumbing and sanitary drainage system, including sizing of pipe work from pans,
urinals, basins, showers and sinks. The single line diagram should extend to the connection with the authorities system, including the desired invert levels where
applicable. a). Pipe work sizing ? FU loadings [10% overall] b). Single line diagram ? Layout and pipe sizes [10% overall] TO GET YOUR ASSIGNMENTS DONE AT A CHEAPER PRICE,PLACE YOUR ORDER WITH US NOW

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