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Administrative law

Administrative law

1- The Freedom of Information Act and the Right to Privacy Act are important Federal
laws that create certain tensions- Privacy rights have been expanded greatly through
banking privacy laws, medical records privacy laws and educational records privacy
laws- Discuss these laws and the tensions they create in their administration and in
their impacts.

2. A government in the sunshine is an important concept- What do we mean by this
concept and what are its impacts? How would you judge the success of the curent
administration in achieving the promised openness?

3. Consider the expansion of eGovernment at all levels, and discuss its practical and
social impact and limitations- Discuss what if any risks the rapid expansion of the
government’s use of the Internet creates-

4- Government’s involvement and control or regulation create significant debate,
tension, and legal challenges- Discuss the following terms and their practical impact.
Eminent domain

Land use and zoning

Environmental regulation and control

Property taxes

Real estate and limitations on ownership such as easements & covenants

5- Discuss how in the age of electronic media and the Internet, intellectual property
law enforcement has become more complex and difficult, especially as it relates to
comm’ghts, trademarks, and trade secrets-

6- What is the legal status of corporations, and how does this impact their regulation?
7- Contracting is a major part of the government at all levels- Discuss the practical
impact of this phenomenon especially as it relates to government employment-

8- Consider the impact of private contract entities performing governmental functions
or administering government programs on the concepts of due process, and
regulatory implementation and adjudication-
