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Advantages/Disadvantages Evidence Based Management

Advantages/Disadvantages Evidence Based Management
? Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of evidence-based management as applied in an organization. Specifically, consider the alternative ways how organizations can and should develop evidence that describes the effectiveness of alternative management and leadership approaches. What evidence (qualitative or quantitative) is used by organizations you are involved with as an employee (U.S. Navy) or volunteer (Meals on Wheels or Habitat for Humanity)? What are the trade-offs for organizations in the costs to develop evidence compared to the benefits of its use? Make sure to include Biblical integration in your discussion.

You can read these articles to provide you a background on different leadership theories and leader values/characteristics.
? Resick, Christian, Hanges, Paul, Dickson, Marcus, & Mitchelson, Jacqueline (2006).A Cross-Cultural Examination of the Endorsement of Ethical Leadership. Journal of Business Ethics, 63: 345?359. ATTACHED
? Dorfman,Peter, Javidan, Mansour, Hanges, Paul, Dastmalchian, Ali, & House, Robert (2012). GLOBE: A twenty year journey into the intriguing world of culture and leadership. Journal of World Business 540, 15 pages. ATTACHED
? Mulla, Zubin & Krishnan, Venkat R (2011). Transformational Leadership:Do the Leader?s Morals Matter and Do the Follower?s Morals Change?Journal of Human Values, 17(2) 129?143. ATTACHED

Chapter 4- Do the Best Organizations Have the Best People?, pp. 85-108
Chapter 8- Are Great Leaders in Control of Their Companies?, pp. 187-214
Chapter 9- Profiting from Evidenced-Based Management, pp. 217-238
