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An analysis of dietary and lifestyle factors

An analysis of dietary and lifestyle factors
select one (1) of the provided case studies (see Appendix below) for which they must complete the following:
• • An analysis of the dietary and lifestyle factors that may be contributing to the presenting condition/s, with respect to current research
• • Dietary and nutritional supplement recommendations, including dosages, based on current research
• • Consider socioeconomic, financial or cultural aspects with respect to recommendations

A 23-year old female student presents to you with complaints of fatigue and lethargy. She thinks it is possibly related to her diet, as her symptoms have been present ever since she decided to become vegetarian a few years ago. She doesn’t wish to go back to eating meat, but she wants to find out if there is anything she can do to help her symptoms.
On examination, you can see that she is quite pale. She gets 3 or 4 colds per year and finds them difficult to fight off. Her nails are brittle and break easily. She also has difficulty concentrating on her work and finds it hard to get her assignments in on time. Because of her fatigue and workload, she hasn’t been finding the time to get out and do any exercise. She admits that she has also been feeling a bit ‘down’ lately and is finding it difficult to get motivated to do anything at all. She finds it difficult to fall asleep at night and to get up in the morning. She has also been crying a lot lately, for no particular reason.
She usually skips breakfast (except for a coffee) and has a muffin or Danish for morning tea. Lunch consists of a piece of fruit and some low-fat yoghurt, and dinner is usually something easy like pasta or rice with some vegetables. She drinks several cups of tea a day, usually with her meals.
