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Anatomy and Physiology,

Anatomy and Physiology,

Cumulative average of two three page papers=with pictures- 25% of final grade/100 points
Assignment Description: As a project for this first part of Anatomy and Physiology, you will research linked diseases related to the organ systems taught in this section of the course.
Assignment Guidelines:
1. This assignment requires outside research from credible resources. You are strongly encouraged to use e-books and journal articles through ECPI’s library. (http://ecpi.ent.sirsi.net/client/default).
Note that the sources from which you are to get your information should be .edu, .gov, or .org’s; these are peer reviewed for accuracy.
2. You should use a minimum of 4 references per biweekly submission.
An APA formatting and style guide can be found at the Online Writing Lab (OWL) at Purdue University (http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/).
Bibliographies in the reference page at the end of the paper, in other words, will have Author (or “N.A.”), Title of article (italics or underlined), followed by (Publisher, Date), and then the phrase “retrieved on (date) from URL.
The reader (moi) will be able to find your article in its entirety by clicking on this URL.
The reader (moi), will be able to find where you get the information because next to the facts or group of facts you cite in the body of your paper, you will add the relevant citation as:(last name author, date), or (two words title, date). Then he (moi) will easily find which reference you mean at the end of the paper.
With language and explained images understandable to your patient, appease s/he and the family with information about:
PART II (3 pages with captioned pictures)
Part 2: Rough draft (strongly recommended) due beginning by the second class of week four, and final draft at the beginning of the final class:
a. What are the diagnostic tests available? Explain what the patient will be going through, and what will be revealed by the test to cinch the diagnosis.
b. In this way, find a positive test online in picture form compared to a negative (normal result) test, and explain the findings to the patient.
c. Medical treatment or other management options for the disease/disorder:
Choose two options of the many that are likely to be found and explain how the treatment will work, what the risks are, and what the long term prognosis is with or without treatment.
Simply ask Google the right questions and boil it down to understandable language.

Late submissions carry a five percent per day penalty.
When you perform your research, be sure to avoid plagiarism and document your resources. Any work submitted for credit should never be copied directly (i.e. stolen intellectual property) from the articles/resources/online essays.
Quotations (with marks) should be used rarely, and only to support your original comments. Paraphrasing must be done properly, as mentioned below,.
The key to avoiding plagiarism is to read from three or more sources, take notes on the material, and then summarize what you’ve learned in your own words… particularly ones that are understood by the patient. Pictures with your captions, referenced appropriately, are a must in teaching patients.
To learn more about this grave offense and breach of the honor code, please visit http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/589/02/. Ask your instructor if you’re not sure if you are referencing properly.
Give credit where it’s due, and your integrity will not be questioned.
(chosen for their pathologic links, from organ systems we will cover in Bio 101)
1. Plaque psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis of the foot.
2. Varicella (chickenpox) infection, with the later development of Herpes zoster (shingles) in a dermatome.
3. Malignant melanoma with stroke from metastasis. Explain to your patient why they can’t feel or move their right arm, and why they can’t seem to make words right when they speak.
4. Lyme disease: cutaneous, nervous and arthritic manifestations.
5. Osteoporosis in mother, and osteomalacia with Rickets in her child.
6. Rheumatoid arthritis of the hands and wrists with pericarditis and skin nodules.
7. Rheumatoid arthritis of the hands, with secondary fibromyalgia and associated migraine.
8. Advancing Parkinson’s disease with tremor and rigidity. Associated seborrheic dermatitis.
9. Meningococcal meningitis with the rash of meningococcemia.

Using images that compare normal with abnormal (i.e. demonstrating normal and abnormal tissue histology and pathology), and thoroughly explaining- with references- what is needed to allay the fears of your patient is going to determine your grade.

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