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Answer these questions, refer from this book

Q1 – Discuss the role that an understanding of the firm’s environment plays in the development of its strategy. To what extent do commonly used tools and concepts such as the Porter five forces meet strategists’ needs in this regard?

30 marks

Q2 – What are the main criteria that firms should use in determining which countries should host their main production facilities? To what extent can they attain sustainable advantage through such decisions?

Q3 – Are there any capabilities that ALL firms must possess in order to be competitive in today’s business environment? Justify your answer with examples.

Q4 – What are the key challenges that managers confront as their industry moves from growth to maturity? What options might they consider in meeting those challenges? Illustrate your answer with examples.

Q5 – Discuss the strategic costs and benefits to a business of socially responsible behaviour. Are there circumstances in which firms should avoid such behaviour?

Q6 – Discuss the role that an understanding of industry key success factors plays in the development of a strategy. What more is needed in order to develop a robust strategy for a firm? Use examples to support your argument.

Q7 – What are the main arguments AGAINST diversification? How do some highly diversified firms still manage to achieve high returns? Use examples to support your argument.

Q8 – What do you understand by the term “global strategy”? Under what circumstances would you expect a global strategy to outperform other types of international strategy? Use examples to illustrate your answer.

Q9 – What is the difference between a resource and a capability? Which of the two is more important in attaining competitive advantage? Justify your answer with examples.

Q10 – Discuss the ethical and strategic dilemmas inherent in paying out high proportions of profits as bonuses to high-achieving staff. Can such behaviour ever be justified in strategic terms?


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