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Anthropological Perspectives of Gender in Southeast Asia

Anthropological Perspectives of Gender in Southeast Asia
Order Description

Précis are critical responses to the readings. A précis is a thoughtful and critical examination of a text. It is NOT a report or summary, but a reflection of your own analysis. Students are expected to link their analysis to other course material.

In 3-4 pages double-spaced, please respond to the following:
The Philippines
is a weak state that is dominated by the US imperially through its surrogate the World Bank.
Thus, the reality of political and economic power differences between the Philippines and Japan
is stark.
In this context of transnational migration, what role do the ideologies of the talents, the
structure of the hostess clubs, Japanese citizenship and marriage legislation, and global capital
play in how talents contest and negotiate their changing gendered identities?
Stake out a position
on agency: Do the economic inequities render the individual talents as oversexed bodies
servicing men or does the individual determine their position in society?
Support your claims
