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Applications of Graph Theory

Applications of Graph Theory

In 1736, a famous Swiss mathematician Leonhard Euler (1707 – 1783) started the work
in the area of Graph Theory through his successful attempt in solving the problem of
“Seven Bridges of Konigsberg-” Graph Theory solved many problems in multiple
fields (Chinese Postman Problem, DNA fragment assembly, and aircraft scheduling-)
In Chemistry, Graph Theory is used in the study of molecules, construction of bonds in
chemistry, and the study of atoms- ln Biology, Graph Theory is used in the study of
breeding patterns or tracking the spread of disease-

Write a three to five (35) page paper in which you:

Choose two (2) applications for graph theory within you area of specialization
(Networking, Secuity, Databases, Data Mining, Programming, etc-)-

Examine how these applications are being used in you’ specialization-

Determine how graph theory has advanced the knowledge in you area of

Conclude how you will apply graph theory in you’ area of specialization-

Use at least three (3) quality academic resou’ces in this assignment- Note: Wikipedia
and other Websites do not quality as academic resou’oes-

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