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Applying System Thinking to Sustainability Challenges

Applying System Thinking to Sustainability Challenges

For this assignment, you will write a 2 to 3 page paper in response to several water-food-energy- nexus issues.
Systems Thinking – The Key to Sustainability

Assignment-1: Application of systems thinking to sustainability challenges
(A Water-Energy- Food Nexus)

Water, energy and food systems are inextricably linked, and as recent events like droughts, oil spills and increasing food prices make clear, we can no longer view these systems in isolation.
Thus, it is important for water, energy and food sectors to consider the interaction among these systems in order to ensure sustainable development.

This assignment is designed for you to consider the water-food-energy nexus in developing strategies to address the grand challenges of sustainability. In this assignment you are required to respond to the following issues:
• Explain the role of the systems approach for water-energy-food nexus.
• Describe the water and energy nexus of providing hot water. What strategies to improve water and energy efficiency can be developed out of this water-energy nexus?
• How is the relationship between strategies improving water efficiency and energy efficiency at a city level? Which strategies have synergies? Which strategies have conflicts?
• Discuss the opportunities and challenges of water-energy-food nexus.
• What are the current debate and discussion on the application of water-energy-food nexus approach?

Submission outline and directions
• The paper should be 2-3 pages (Arial 11pt., 1.5 spaced) excluding references.
• Provide section headings
• Use reputable sources
• Use APA citation style. Include a bibliography.
Grading criteria
The assignment will be graded on content, quality, and completeness. Maximum of 50 point (please check the rubrics for this assignment).
