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Area- Policy project

Topic Area- Policy project

Post a short description of a general topic area that you want to investigate to find a more specific question about which to develop your policy project this semester. Feel free to use this space to think on the page and ask questions of your peers to help you decide what you want to work on.

You may choose any area at all but keep in mind that you will be writing about a health issue within that area.

For example, a topic area could be EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES FOR OLDER AMERICANS. This isn’t a health topic per se, but as you developed your ideas for this project you would identify a problem in this topic area that impacts health. That could be many different things such as, how lack of employment for laid off workers over 50 is tied to increased rick of depression, or how staying employed into extreme old age is necessary for certain people because they don’t have adequate retirement savings to cover their basic living expenses.

Another topic area could be SEXUAL HEALTH and you could investigate and develop an issue such as sex ed and adolescent pregnancy rates.

Look over the subjects that we will be studying in the class modules for some additional topic areas. You can use those as well. While you do not have to identify your issue and write a problem statement now, DO share as much of your idea at this point as you can. There is no right or wrong answer. This is just the first step in the project.

My idea about the topic:
Infertility medical coverage should be mandatory in all medical insurance.
I am open to others topics if you think this topic is hard to develop all the steps for the final paper as I told we will be building the project in steps.This is the first step in the project then those are the others steps:
Topic Area Description (5%)
Problem Statement (5%)
Topic Brief/ Constrained Choice Model/ Narrative (15%)
Peer Review #1 (10%)
Eightfold Path BARDACH Exercise (15%)
Peer Review #2 (10%)
Policy Paper Final Draft (40%)
