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Assessment of Entrepreneurial potential

Assessment of Entrepreneurial potential

Task 1 (50%)

A comprehensive analysis of your present levels of competences and those key skills, knowledge and behaviours you need so that you can enhance your entrepreneurial and creative potential. This section must include your personal capabilities in relation to the FACETS framework and should be based on a SWOT analysis resulting from your Entrepreneurial Creativity skills audit and the results of the other diagnostic assessments under taken during the module, including the ‘Entrepreneurial Indicator’ access to which is afforded by an individual password issued by your tutor. You will be expected to critically analyse the results of the diagnostics and review them against your wider research to produce a clear and concise self-evaluation (max 1000 words).

Assessment Criteria
(Insert detail)

• To demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the FACETS model for assessing entrepreneurial tendencies and creativity, and an application of the model to the individual
• To demonstrate critical interpretation of the underlying relationship between creativity and innovation and an understanding of how each part of the process interacts, in particular, the journey from creative idea to concrete innovation.
• A detailed analysis of why the innovation was required and who the beneficiaries were
• An explanation of how the innovation was driven forward and an evaluation of whether it has radical or incremental impacts
• Evidence of wider research and reading, with appropriate referencing to evidence your findings
