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VERY GOOD (D) 75 – 84
GOOD (C) 65 – 74
Introductory content (15%) Statement of the research question and summary of health issues There is a compelling rationale for the topic based on a critical review of the literature and evidence base. The research question is clearly stated in the PICO format. Excellent overview of health issue.
The health issue is explicitly stated and justification is provided using the relevant evidence-base. The research question is in the PICO format and matches the health issue.
There is an explicit statement of the topic and justification is provided. The justification is present but not explicitly linked as a reason for why this discussion is important or with limited use of the literature.
There is an explicit statement of the topic but the topic is not justified or the justification is not clear. Very limited use of the evidence-base.
There is no explicit statement of the topic being addressed and no justification for why this question is important. PICO question not stated or stated in parts and does not match the health issue.
Search strategy Comprehensive and detailed search strategy described and executed using at least three relevant databases. Exclusion and inclusion criteria appropriately justified and applied. Comprehensive PRISMA diagram included.
Good search strategy described and executed using at least two relevant databases. Exclusion and inclusion criteria appropriately justified and applied. PRISMA diagram included.
Good search strategy described and executed using at least two relevant databases. Exclusion and inclusion criteria stated with some justification and appropriately applied. PRISMA diagram included.
A reasonable search strategy described and executed using at least two relevant databases. Exclusion and inclusion criteria stated with some justification and appropriately applied. PRISMA diagram included.
Poorly detailed search strategy of one database or inadequate or relevant search strategy developed and applied. Inclusion and exclusion criteria not clear and/or poorly applied. PRISMA diagram not included or demonstrates gaps or errors.
Synthesis and appraisal of the evidence base (40%) Well detailed critical appraisal of the research literature, reflecting on the strengths and limitations of the evidence in relation to the chosen health issue. Clear and articulate concluding statement and summary of evidence-base. Four or more studies reviewed comprehensively, which includes a detailed account of the relative strengths and limitations of the evidence-base. Gaps in the evidence acknowledged as appropriate. Excellent synthesis and summary of findings and in light of the context or identified health issue. Four or more studies reviewed well, which includes a good account of the relative strengths and limitations of the evidence-base. Gaps in the evidence acknowledged as appropriate. Good synthesis and summary of findings and with some reference to the context or identified health issue.
Four or more studies reviewed, with a reasonable account of some of the strengths and limitations of the evidence-base. Some attempt to synthesise the evidence is made, but with partial reference to the context or identified health issue.
Four or more studies reviewed adequately. Some attempt to discuss the strengths and limitations of the evidence-base is based. Some attempt to synthesise the evidence is made, but with limited reference to the context or identified health issue.
Less than four studies are included in the review and the appraisal gives a very descriptive account of the strengths and weaknesses of the evidence-base. There is minimal or no synthesis of the evidence. Findings are presented inconsistently and inaccurately and lack reference to an identified health issue.
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Impact statement (25%) Well considered impact statement. Relevance to health care practice articulated clearly. Excellent impact statement with clearly stated objectives and consideration of audience. Methods of dissemination and evaluation are clearly articulated and are both appropriate and feasible.
Good impact statement with well stated objectives and consideration of audience. Methods of dissemination and evaluation are articulated and are both appropriate and feasible.
Good impact statement with stated objectives and consideration of audience. Methods of dissemination and evaluation are considered.
A satisfactory impact statement with some objectives stated and consideration of audience. Methods of dissemination and evaluation are articulated, but may be difficult to implement in practice.
Poorly developed impact statement with limited objectives or consideration of target audience. Methods of dissemination are not appropriate or feasible in light of the issue or audience described. Limited consideration given to evaluation of impact activities.
Scholarship and written communication (10%) Australian spelling & grammar is used (this includes appropriate use of paragraphs and sentence structure). Appropriate language (i.e. no colloquialisms and minimal jargon). The assessment is clearly written. Assessment is clearly written and there is a logical flow of ideas. Excellent structure and organisation. Australian spelling and grammar is used. Writing is creative and critical without using sensationalised language or unnecessarily long words.
Ideas are logically and clearly expressed. Good structure and organisation. The language used is appropriate – not verbose or grandiose.
Ideas are mostly expressed clearly. Australian spelling and grammar is used. The language is appropriate.
Expression of ideas is sometimes unclear. There is poor spelling or grammar. Attention to structure and organisation is needed. The assignment includes too many quotes and not enough student work. The writing is verbose and grandiose.
There is no clear structure to this assignment. The student needs to consult with The Write Site for information on sentence and paragraph structure. This could be because sentences are too long, paragraph structure is inappropriate or writing is unclear.
Referencing and sources (10%) Appropriate sources are used (i.e. government and nongovernment reports, peerreviewed scientific literature). In-text referencing and the reference list uses APA 6th referencing style Highly up to date, reputable websites and peer reviewed journal articles are used. There is a balance of scientific and government/nongovernment reports. Reference list is appropriately formatted and presented.
Only reputable reports and peer reviewed papers are used. Most sources are recent. APA referencing style is used consistently and correctly both in-text and in the reference list. There are a few more statements that require references. Most ideas and information have been supported by references.
Some sources could be more recent. Sources are mostly government or non-government resources. Need more scientific papers. APA referencing style is used consistently and correctly both in-text and in the reference list. References support some to most of the information presented.
There is an attempt at using reputable sources, e.g. textbooks, official websites. Referencing system is consistent. Incorrect referencing system is used. This assignment requires APA referencing. Not all relevant information is referenced.
Inappropriate sources, e.g. Wikipedia, or out of date sources. No in text referencing or reference list. Bibliography is used instead of a reference list. Too many quotes are used or evidence of using another person’s work without referencing. OR There is no coherent referencing system or minimal referencing.