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Basic Pharmacology

Basic Pharmacology
AHS 1023
Module 2 Assignment: Over the Counter Medicines
Instructions: Your response should be at least one page, typewritten using Arial, 12 point font, double-space and turn your assignment in via the Turnitin link provided in Module 2. This assignment is worth 30 points.


I. Drug Information: OTC Medicines “Getting the Most from Your OTC Medicines”
a. Visit www.familydoctor.org
b. Click on “Over the Counter Medications” on the left hand side
c. Review the information “Getting the Most from Your OTC Medicine
d. Choose one OTC product that you have at home and record the following information:
i. Name (generic name and brand name) of the medicine
ii. What symptoms the medicine will treat
iii. How much to take and how often to take it
e. Click on the hyperlinked word “label” in the article
f. Read the information on the label and answer the questions 1-7 in “How do I read an OTC drug facts label?”
g. Be prepared to discuss with the class.

II. “Know Your Risks and Reduce Them”: Risks of OTC drugs
a. Click on “Know Your Risks and Reduce Them
b. Read the article
c. Answer the following questions:
i. What are OTC medicines?
ii. What are adverse effects?
iii. What is a side effect?
iv. What is a drug-drug interaction? Explain the three (3) most common.

III. Read about these four types of OTC medicines and answer the questions.

a. Pain relievers. What are the 2 main types and how do they work?

b. Antihistamines. List a few and explain how they work.

c. Cough. Explain the two types.

d. Antacids and acid reducers. Explain the difference and who shouldn’t use them?
