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Bliss’ “Chief Customer Officer 2.0″ book repor

Bliss’ “Chief Customer Officer 2.0″ book report

Utilize the chapter titles as your main headings, plus a final heading for your “Conclusion”. No overall introduction to the paper is needed. Start with chapter one.
[Note: I am NOT asking for your personal critique of the book’s content or to fill the body of the paper with your personal experiences/thoughts as a customer/service
provider/manager. The conclusion will provide you a place to reflect on how your understanding and practice of communication as the key to service has evolved having
read this book. See “conclusion” below.] Ch. 1—This is a general introduction and preview of the book. Therefore, skip to pages 15 to 21. Very briefly summarize any
key concepts/ideas presented here that are not necessarily addressed in great detail in later chapters.Ch. 2 through 8—These are the most important chapters! These
will be the longest summaries! Summarize/extract the best, core ideas/insights from each of these chapters. You will summarize these by paraphrasing key
ideas/insights; direct quotations are acceptable to include but should not exceed more than 20% of the paper’s content (use quotation marks and page numbers–APA
style). Remember, this is a COM class; look for the communication related ideas as explained above. Ch. 9—This is interesting should you be interviewing for a CCO job
or have started this work, but I think the most useful information for you is the aptitudes of successful CCOs (pp. 242-244); these are key attributes and
communication strategies for any manager promoting customer service excellence. Provide a very brief summary of this section only!Conclusion—Explain how Bliss’s book
changed your understanding of communication’s role in creating customer service excellence. How did it change your understanding of the leadership communication
processes (at/from/by the top of the hierarchy) and other organizational communication processes (among and across units/system/roles) that create customer-driven
growth? Explain how you will apply the insights you summarized from these chapters to improve your communication competence as a manager/leader/employee. Provide
specific examples throughout. Include any additional personal reflections, insights, or critiques here.Use APA (American Psychological Association) writing style. See
http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/ (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.) for help with APA. Include page numbers for all direct
quotations. All direct quotes from the book must be in quotation marks and follow APA format(including the author’s last name, year, and page numbers)—for example,
“The chief customer officer, in short, is the architect of this customer-driven growth” (Bliss, 2015, p. 20). For paraphrased content, no citation is necessary…I’ll
know it comes from Bliss’s book. Length: 12-14 double-spaced pages of text, standard 10-12 point font and one inch margins. Abstain from odd spacing to eat up space!
NO COVER PAGE—type “COM 635—Assignment #2”, your name, and the full APA citation for the book I’ve provided above and then start writing the paper below that using the
major headings I listed above! Evaluation: The paper will be graded based on grammatical and mechanical quality, conformity to the above guidelines, quality of
expression, and depth of insight.

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